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livfully's blog

CT Death With Dignity Bill Discussed...Feb 2019, some insights..

on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 15:40

I do think we need to have all options about assisted suicide as well as assisted ways to survive pain and difficulty (whether physical, mental, social, legal or otherwise) discussed and ideally have teams of people who are neutral but informed, compassionate people readily available to review the matters at hand. Many people are not familiar with various ideas about how to cope with life, death, possible quantum or spiritual aspects and much more... Pain is a big piece of the puzzle...and not an easy one by any stretch.

Many people are finding healing ways to cope with the pain with more

You'll Get Your Money's Worth (and Maybe Save a Few Lives, even your own or others you care about) With this Post and a Half!

on Sun, 02/24/2019 - 18:07

Here are a few thoughts I shared with some folks from my era at Vassar College. As happens from time to time (have you noticed?) I got thinking of a few other morsels of wisdom and wannabe world improvements... So journey along as you like and maybe let it inspire you to work toward similar goals...all on a slow to get going Sunday, but one which has proven to lead me to new waters of wishing well for everybuddy.

Maybe mini visits could be planned for in the P'keepsie area the day or two before and after as well, a time to network, have 'hippie circle' gatherings (no harm in

Enjoying TedX Talks from Queenstown and from The Berkshires in MA

on Wed, 02/20/2019 - 14:28

Allow things to unfold and you will find your Purpose in Life. | Peggy Oki | TEDxQueenstown is the go-to inspiring talk to wake up to the shared mission to Save the Whales...and also to help one find their 'porpoise' in life...I picked this talk by chance after seeing one by friend Fiora Calagiuri-Randall on how to learn...and stay curious even through challenges that naturally arise.

NY can increase mental health support for students from 1.5 to 5M...IF...

on Wed, 02/20/2019 - 05:26

IF people want to see an increase in services for students to have support for mental health, see the following link and advocate accordingly. Someone encouraged me to join a NY PTA a year or so ago in a little cafe in Millerton NY (near the lovely North East Community Center which is a total check that out and emulate the efforts as you can with your existing resources in schools, faith groups, and more.) Now here's to more early interventions to prevent harm and more costly problems for people and the systems designed for

The Journey of Healing from the One to the Many and the Big World Beyond

on Sun, 02/17/2019 - 14:33

In response to a young mother who shared her recovery story in my circles, I wrote the following...and am sharing it here knowing we can all draw on one another's strength, wisdom and friendship.

Trust that many people love you and care about every aspect of your life, the struggles, the questions and confusion...the small choices about taking a moment to be grateful for a new day, a fresh start and way to respond to any conflict or need, any interchange that is difficult or challenging (whether an internal or external dialogue...we've all got 'voices in our head' about someone judging
