Skip directly to content and Judy Satori and Many Others Tuning Into 12/11/19 Full Moon Energies

on Wed, 12/11/2019 - 02:46

 Check out the websites of and which is run by Judy Satori. Also Jarrad Hewett and many others such as on speak of the portals and uplifting energies of these 'don't miss it' is their message.

I wrote to  CT's The Lakeville Journal mid Monday Morning to meet the 10 am due date time, but am finding out plenty online so am happy I put the site in the letter.

Like a 'message in a bottle' this blog goes out over the cyberspace and gets seen by many people and likely plenty of what?

Livestream for 20 or In Person for 50 (and up): Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson talking with Deepak Chopra in NYC Mon. 12/16/19 at 7pm

on Tue, 12/10/2019 - 15:34

Thanks for tuning into the important energies of December 2019 on many levels... Many dreams are coming true for people who have deeply desired a healing response to harm and hurt in our country and due to our policies around the world.

Let's Choreograph Our Driving and Living With Safety and Sensibility to Keep the Show on the Road!

on Sun, 12/08/2019 - 15:48

I will mention some of the insights my friend and I shared (which I've already told one town leader and will write to more advocates about) regarding driving safely with teams of support for any large or unusual traffic needs.

Two situations that came to mind on my way to the event in Torrington on our hilly rural roads involved trucks, one with a trailer, not being able to see well or make a clean right turn.

Congratulations to the Nutmeg Ballet Conservatory in Torrington CT on Their Five Golden Decades of Accomplishments! The Nutcracker at The Warner Theatre and at The Bushnell Is A Jewel of An Experience!

on Sun, 12/08/2019 - 15:45

Guess who got to join in the festivities of the 50th Anniversary of Nutmeg Ballet by seeing their latest production of the The Nutcracker?

Yes, that would be me along with a few friends (some I found 'by chance' sitting near me) so catching up on how everyone was doing was a bonus and brainstorming ways to improve the world for our modern times happened for yet another 'coincidental reason'. I'll share more about that, but back to the Brilliant Ballet. Incredible talent and a refreshing set and portrayals shone in a delightful way. 

Hats off and perennial pirouhettes for Executive Director

Here's an inspiring talk for Women, but Everyone Can Benefit from Supporting Good Efforts!

on Thu, 12/05/2019 - 19:23  What's a bit crazy is that I wrote an extensive FB post on the Northwest Corner Chatter to promote more networking with existing groups and  area resources but hadn't posted this link so when I went to put a copy of that post on my blog, all I got was the youtube link about Helping Women Succeed with friendship and funding and lots more. So maybe we'll focus on that...and much of what I said is on this handy dandy blog.

Meanwhile I mentioned there used to a be a Floating Women's Center in the northwest corner of CT and there is currently a group called Walking
