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More Reflections on the Good Work Police Do and the Shortcomings of Some as well as the Need for US All to Learn More as Citizens (and practice What IF situations)

on Sun, 08/25/2019 - 02:13

I appreciate the incredible work police do when they are needed in emergencies. This post was written in part as reply to a Northwest Corner Chatter topic on the heroic save by Trooper Roy Dungan of a passenger who had overdosed in Torrington CT. As a person living in Brooklyn for much of the past few years, I have had to learn more about the ways police can be prone and even 'mistrained' or stray from their training to do harm.

The most serious case in recent years for the public to consider is the way Eric Garner was possibly profiled (by whom and for what purpose has yet to be clarified.

Be Merry and Help Marianne Williamson Meet the Aug. 28th Goals to stay in the Debates for Dem. POTUS Candidacy!

on Sat, 08/24/2019 - 03:21

Hello to All, I can't help but think of the chance for wise capable woman to become US President as being a huge boost to women not only in North America but the World! Women gave birth to every person in the entire world since wouldn't it make good sense to allow a wise, capable, caring woman to lead the world?

The resonance with women and good men will likely uplift us for eons to come... Please tune in to a few of her insightful, motivating, helpful talks and consider donating and otherwise sharing her posts to help her get to the Democratic debate stage again with the

In case we don't have time to think about these things if they come our way, Let's Get Prepared Pronto!

on Fri, 08/23/2019 - 03:59

Depressing topics...hopefully can make us appreciate what we do have and the good in just about all people (and many of the ones misbehavin' likely have a brain challenge..see Daniel Amen's talk on the prior post.)

Here's the high-low about '8 Ways The World Could End Suddenly" H7N9 is a very bad 'new worldwide potential problem' stemming from a person ingesting an animal that had the infection.

The problem we are facing is partly due to the global world interaction. We need tons of public health workers.

"Looking Under the Hood' (or our Thinking Cap via Brain Scan--Blood flow and activity in the brain)

on Fri, 08/23/2019 - 03:20 is the youtube talk by Daniel check out this talk on what people have learned from seeing 80K plus Brain Scans... I am skimming through this and am not endorsing or promoting it...just sharing the info. Always check with professionals and get second opinions on any procedures and so on. He gives important information about not using drugs to avoid brain damage done by drugs.

Also he shares that Alzheimer's can begin  with changes in the brain 30-50 years prior to the symptoms presenting in more obvious ways.

End of Life Doulas and Conversations About Death: Look for programs online and in person near you

on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 04:05
With a prompt from FB posts about talking about death and options, I shared the following. See more helpful resources on (offering some free online programs often with live Q and A, and some discounts on other programs that may be of interest for personal or professional development. \
The EOLD (End of Life Doula) positions are not licensed or regulated. Many promote taking a training and having a good number of hours and cases one has worked with to be more qualified to help others, but much help is needed.
