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Permaculture Princes and Princesses..Anytime You're Ready Walt D (or new Presidents to implement these inspiring, necessary ideas into education),a Show (or program) About the True Heroes of Plan-It Heart would be Nice, Smart and Life-Saving!

on Sun, 11/13/2016 - 04:53

Who is gathering on rooftops and at Randall's Island in NYC, weekend after weekend to learn hands on and sit through hours of lectures and slide shows about remembering: WE.ARE. ON. EARTH!

That would be a group of about two dozen folks taking a Permaculture Class with Andrew Faust (applause, applause for ALL working along those lines, students and those interested, so hopefully that means YOU too!)

 Every student (even googling info and watching a few videos, worth a few minutes of your precious time on a monthly basis or more) gets their time and money's worth.

ABC Reverie I caught on scrap paper ...See how it speaks to you and try your own

on Fri, 11/11/2016 - 15:03

ABC Reverie by Catherine Palmer Paton 11-16 (Speak. Each. Word.)


A alpha, awareness, air, attitude, animals, actions

B beginnings, babies, beliefs, books, bias, boys

C children, charts, courses, character, cities

D daring, difficulty, dads, divinity, danger, deeds

E emotions ,energy, experiences, earth, extraterrestrials

F food, family, feelings, forgiveness, friends, fun, figures

G gates, girls, giving, goodness, grief, goodbyes, games

H homes, hellos, hearts, hurts, healing, humans,  hugs

I intuition, inquiry, interaction, interdependence, I, ice

J justice, juggling, jumping,

Commenting and Kudos on the new State Rep. Brian Ohler in the 64th District of CT (and ideas for any state to thrive from the ground up)

on Thu, 11/10/2016 - 03:13
There are plenty of comments on facebook wishing Brian Ohler all the best on his hardwon seat. Bill Riiska should also be commended for serving in a myriad of important capacities. Ideally more people will find ways to help cull more volunteers and others for leadeship roles with lots of support and preparation.
Overall, everyone could try to recruit more people to visit the tri-corner area in the warmer months of the year and think about ways to attract people to stay for a year or two.

The First Day of A Very Different America, All Caring Souls Need to Do their Homework. Former KKK David Duke tweeted "Our folks had a lot to do with Trump winning'. Yikes! BUT see Linda Moulton Howe's Sept 2016 show on Time Travel..and Maybe DT is OK

on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 22:40

I wrote Part 2 the following the day after the election.  Part 1, a new installment after Part 2, yes it's day and night in terms of a Reversal of Thought--I did not see this coming or from the source I heard online, but I take the timing as a gift and consider there is a bigger game going on in the universe and like driving on the highway, we need to be wiling and Able to Change Lanes sometimes! (sorry family and friends but read Part 1 now, thanks...)

Tonight, Nov 10th, 2016, I was drawn to listen to the John Titer interview by Linda Moulton Howe about Time Travel, likely done by the Air

Final Score of US Presidential Electoral Votes:Trump 290, Clinton 228--Who'd Da Believed It? And the Dream I just Had...

on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 13:08

Let me start with a dream I just remembered having before I woke up. My grade school friends, now grown along with others, were serving breakfast to everyone in my small town but only about a dozen folks were at the small rectangular tables. That was a decent showing for such a town and the day was young. The breakfast for all was where the grocery store in town used to be, the center of Main Street )opposite now a remodeled church that serves as the Children's Theater Space and is actually called The Center on Main. 

In my dream, my eighth grade friends, now in their early 50s like me, were
