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Pool Time, Cool Time with Friends and Families from each Grade Networking Too About Town. Include all students as you can in helping kids join events and programs.

on Sun, 06/19/2016 - 03:25

For folks in the Tri-Corner MA/NY CT area (Say Sheffield to Sharon, and Goshen to Amenia), the Falls Village Pool may be a great place for a cool destination visit for you or others you'd like to plan to enjoy it with. Check the town recreation site for rules and fees.

They are fairly reasonable for individuals from other towns (5 dollars per person per day). For a three hour party, there's a fee of $125 so see how many folks you could invite to make that worth while.

Who's on Humanity's Team? They have great offers for free and for purchase year-round. Here's one for Summer 2016

on Fri, 06/17/2016 - 17:01

The following is from Humanity's Team, an online outreach and huge global network, to send to friends in an hope I'm still within guidelines since I consider you all my friends. These are the kinds of talks I hoped would happen thirty years ago and which the internet makes as easy as calling a friend up or watching a show online (or television which is something that was a wonder in its day.)

The secret many are sharing are that We Are  The Wonders of Our Day and World.

Congratulations Graduates from HVRHS and Elsewhere."The Future IS Now" Wonder Beings One and All...

on Thu, 06/16/2016 - 14:28

Best wishes to this and every graduating class of Mountaineers from the 75+ year old Housatonic Valley Regional High School or Housy.  I happened to have a nice shirt with that logo on the back as part of remembering Kaelan's passing on 6-16-09 which hopefully all can help educate others about in terms of planning for safe, sensible good times, Scout's honor and cool Kaelan remembrance kind of thing, we good on that legacy point? 

There are many from each community who have struggled or had to bid loved ones an earthly farewell who we can always seek to support and extend a moment of silence

Meditation before Mediation can Help, as can Friends to Jot Ideas Down before and after even private consults with Mediator or other Helper in Conflict of Any Kind, small or large

on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 16:30

Couples could benefit from mediation


Many couples divorcing would benefit from a thorough explanation of the savings and benefits of using mediation. This is not done in a consistent manner, and too often adverserial attorneys end up pitting their clients against each other.


Often 'no contact' orders are put in place, and rather than allow advocates or friends seek information and explore options from on Building a Parenting Plan that works and other helpful books such as CT Friendly Divorce Guidebook, the divorcing spouses run high debt and rushed agreements, often

Helping the Homeless, those in Transitions, Wrongfully Put in Prison and Preventing Abuse (all in one post for your advocacy convenience for self and others..)

on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 13:27

I've met many a homeless in the NYC area and a few in Great Barrington MA and the MA/NY CT try-corner area and hope others are keeping an eye on 
any homeless (or houseless, even though one may or does own a house... but just doesn't or can't live in it.)

Maybe a few more folks offering help such as a van he could sit in or put his stuff in and transport from one end of town to the other from time to time would be welcome..just one or two nice folks helping him and maybe a few others could help turn the tide of his situation where there have been bumps in the road.

There are news articles
