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livfully's blog

Guess Who Got 2nd in the Contest for Videos of the Appalachian Trail? The Silver Scramblers of the Berkshires! Kudos to Susanna Opper and Her Crew

on Thu, 05/17/2018 - 19:31

 Susanna Opper is a person of pursuing plenty like a plateful of palette-pleasing dishes. Hiking? Speaking? Storytelling? Videos? Ushering? Movie-going? She's got all that going on Plus she's a great Constant Contact account coach. So what do I do when I learn of a free offer from Constant Contact?

Sign up...but forgot to check with her first! I'll see if we can remedy that, but meanwhile You can benefit from her expertise if you are interested in sending out professional looking emails to your peeps, be they anonymous blog audience members or people you see in a group or business setting.

Now that I Think About It, A Few More Ideas About School Success for All Students and Families.. homegrown and otherwise

on Thu, 05/17/2018 - 16:36

I like that the discussion is seeking creative solutions to the challenges we face. I realize this forum is about 'school and the impact education have on our youth current and for their futures.." I am curious if Anyone in the Entire State, Country or World has considered what I have braved sharing rather independently about Keeping Our Kids Safe Both at Home and In School and In-Between?

I spoke up at parent gathering to a full house at HVRHS when my eldest was a freshman, about 14 (early 2000s)about years ago...and basically one friend said "No one knew why you as a parent would take a

If Parents Sign a Form at the Start of the Year to be in Pictures and Videos, does that include larger PR Videos?

on Thu, 05/17/2018 - 14:51

 I appreciate these forums on Facebook for local school communities (such as one discussing Region One CT school issues) since back in the day in the 1990s and 2000s, I had many concerns even at the grade school level..and felt I was running into brick walls with administration.

Likely every grade level and age group needs a set of volunteer responsible adults and parents to monitor how the children are doing to help them meet minimal learning requirements in addition to whatever is formally taught and required...
Falling behind is not an option for passing onto the next grade level and who

CT Home Care Program for Elders: A Gem Worth Knowing About (1-800-445-5394)

on Tue, 05/15/2018 - 14:58

Lucky me, I learned about the Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders run through the DSS Alternate Care Unit. Their number for information is 800-445-5394.The pamphlet I picked up reviews some basic 'facts of life' such as nursing home care costing many tens of thousands of dollars a year. When the booklet was printed it was "$60,000 and up". Those might seem like bargain prices in 2018, where monthly fees can easily top 10K in CT so that would mean an annual cost of a smooth $120,000 and Up!

This post is Basically a Summary of the Booklet, not my own insights (unless indicated and not

To another Mom whose son passed in well as many others I haven't met (yet) but trust we connect at the heart level

on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 18:58
I shared this with a friend who I've known since I was a kid...whose teen son passed in a difficult way unexpectedly about a month before our teen son passed. Since then I've met many mothers who lose custody or access to their children. They refer to 'losing their kids' which is thankfully not about having them die. I think some clarification would be helpful but the pain is real, as though their children were taken 'for good'. Groups called Mothers of Lost Children and the CA Protective Parents Alliance have worked to promote Resolution 72.
That would help protective parents, generally
