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livfully's blog

Start This Spring 2018 with Info from about Diabetes--for prevention and management

on Tue, 04/10/2018 - 16:08

 You never know who you'll meet when you go to the park in New York. It helps if there are some dogs to see who are 'off leash' during the hours that are okay for that and have a minute to visit with the owners (thank them, inquire what dog care requires in the city, if kids are part of the dog's life--most are but even if that's the case, always ask the owner and use common sense, because 'there can always be first time a nice doggie nips or knocks someone over, especially a little tot for instance.)

But back to the Who Did I meet and How that connects to Diabetes...I met 'by chance' the

Donations Doubled through April 15, 2018 for new WHDD Radio Station in Kent CT

on Tue, 04/10/2018 - 02:58

Time to marshall our forces and pitch in for a great cause...see and search for the WHDD Radio Station which Marshall Miles in promoting right about Now. Thanks in advance for sharing the word. Small donations add up fast..and larger ones add up faster..but it's all good!

Brian Ohler helping Lead the Way for Domestic Violence 'Walk In Her Shoes' In Litchfield CT May 20th, 2018

on Tue, 04/10/2018 - 02:29

Thanks for this, tend to listen to men a bit better..and women also do. Meanwhile there's a national annual conference in Albany NY in early May 2018, Battered Mothers Custody Conference. See the site for the latest speakers. It is unbelievable the amount of misery women and children suffer 'almost in the town square' in every state even though the national laws have been created to protect them...and yes male victims too...but it turns out it is basically a problem of "male violence against women'.

That means the problem should be a bit easier to spot..and that more women should

Jessica Dibb on The Living Enneagram on The Shift Network: Course Starts April 12, 2018

on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 01:08

How much could one or more people benefit from learning about 'their personality'.

See for programs Jessica Dibb offers.Hearing one of her talks is inspiring and helpful.

Many likely have heard of the helpful book The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso and Hudson.

Jessica Dibb offers many insights into the nine personality types that are part of The Enneagram.

See more online and on and see if the intro videos appeal to you..and if you may benefit now or in the future from the programs offered. whether this on or another.

Some other

The Galaxy NGC 3344 emitting blue lit baby stars and a spiral of arms around its center

on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 00:52

Hello Big Earth World (and Anyone Else Listening or Reading in the Universe),

Just learning about NGC 3344 only 20 million light years away and its many wonders...view from the Hubble Telescope which shows its full spiral form around a center. Basically I have a lot more to learn but wanted to share the news as I was hearing it online.

Happy googling more info and considering the bigger picture in your dreams...'All things are connected' many say and likely quantum science is proving. Things that happen on earth may affect other realms In The Universe.
