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livfully's blog Anyone? Dreaming is free and seeing their offerings and venturing to put pen to paper or otherwise thoughts in writing...

on Tue, 02/20/2018 - 23:09

The only thing more exciting than writing is realizing tons of people are also doing so...and just as cool is that some have figured out ways and times to Help Others Dis-cover Their Craft, their writing voice, their feelings and stories and views.

Okay, so this is all an intro to help you benefit from the efforts on based in the Southern Berkshires of MA, near Great Barrington MA. Jennifer Browdy and likely others offer some programs online. So there's another way to work with these talented folks. Likely there are plenty of free programs online and thereabouts.

Now How Hard Can It be to D-I-E in peace and with the support of Loved Ones following one's wishes for care? Pretty Tricky, especially if You Never Talk About It...

on Mon, 02/19/2018 - 04:24

It seems having The Conversation Project as a first document to use (and let them reflect on and then go over it with them after they've had time to consider the questions) would be reasonable. Then working on the Five Wishes with more details about options for life sustaining care or organ donation. 

Doing a second meeting online etc to cover other concerns and personal and social issues and then a final time to plan 'funeral type' information (vigils, The Parlor info and actual documentary or another online resource).

End of Life Doulas are hoping to go over everything related to What One

When Republican Congressional Representatives or Senators Were Asked about Preventive Measures for Gun Violence, no one had answers within a week after the Florida Shooting in Feb 2018

on Mon, 02/19/2018 - 03:14

We all need to be prepared to Think About What We Will Say On Camera...that's one point that Perhaps is of importance for more people to realize As An Option. Then the other Biggie is to Not Say Something On Camera which Can or Will Be Used Against You in a Court of Law or however...I believe in Informed Consent with One's Attorney Present at this point in our society..( I have a link to the video of a few lawmakers being interviewed on the fly on my  FB page Catherine Paton and will post here if  I can. It's on from Feb 5th, 2018)

.Of course, I would like these folks to

Has Anyone Been Comparing 'Those Who Lie' or Insist on Playing Their Own Game Without Fairness to their Team (even Family) Mates as Cartoon or Fairy Tale Characters--Maybe that would help.

on Sat, 02/17/2018 - 18:46

"Does your nose grow if you lie?" the son Pinocchio asked his father Gepetto in a play I recently  (Real Boy, by Matthew Minniciano) Gepetto was quick with his answer. No that doesn't happen to me, because I am human. It only happens to you because that's how I made you. That logic is often heralded by some of the best liars of our times... No they are not lying, and if you call them on a lie, they You are Lying.

Their sense of infallibility if profound and does not have to backed up with evidence.

Real Boy, at Letter of Marque (LOM) Theatre in Brooklyn NY an experience to toy with...a modern spin on all things Pinocchio

on Sat, 02/17/2018 - 05:55

Are we puppets, pulled by someone else on strings set in place by not only our parents but our culture? Are we animals living among other animal-types in costumes or with underlying drives we may or may not be aware of?

Are we dreamers who do not want to wake up to reality or who don' t want to give up on those dreams for ourselves or our children or collective future? What is wood could walk and talk, think and feel?

Such was the piece of wood Gepetto sought from his burly counterpart who had Quite the Long Island accent of an I-talian nature (which one Italian audience member felt
