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livfully's blog

Regarding a FB post about Paul Ryan and family not giving a hoot if anyone else has health care besides them...

on Sat, 01/14/2017 - 22:35

 I appreciate the sentiment but feel 'we have to leave the kids out of it' (the photo messaging...) They have likely chosen to help with reforms but even a lamb could be scared (or scarred) by hateful attacks.

As for their parents, likely we can pray they could see the light of day since blindness and poor health usually follows (maybe over lifetimes of choices) an insistence on attaching to narrow-minded greedy paradigms...

(This is the jist of Edgar Cayce teachings I believe) Maybe as a nation we are 'Testing Theories' by having a dynamic play out 'larger than life' regarding materialism and

"Don't Go Away, Here's a Free Trial" on many website offers so try Not signing up 1st..

on Wed, 01/11/2017 - 01:00

Hope everyone is learning something new (or reviewing good lessons from the past) at this almost midpoint in January 2017. Here are a few jumpstart ideas if you haven't had time to discover the awesome sites of Marianne Williamson (.com), Jennifer McLean (Healing With the Masters), You Wealth Revolution (.com). These are just a few of the inspirational type talks that can spark one's imagination and help with ideas for healing and thriving.

Then for a practical 'get 'er done' and tend to Important Details for Your Amazing sElf and others in your circles (and to promote in your state and

Recounting Times with Kaelan on his WouldHaveBeen 24th Birthday...on livfullyblog, see link

on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 02:36

Hello, I forgot I had a blog

I wrote a piece there about stories Kaelan liked as a little boy and could tell. I have to check whether I need permission to share so hopefully I am somewhere in the ball park by letting folks know they are not my own. Happy Birthday in Heaven, Kaelan... you're timeless yet it helps me to 'keep track' as everyone else in the family (and even your circles of friends) get old and life continues to unfold in BeYouToFull Ways.. may that be true for you and all of our angelic friends.

Miss you bundles but feel the Big Love has us all

Timely Note about a Special Elder and End-of-Life Care Support Training from Suzanne O'Brien

on Sat, 12/31/2016 - 04:38


When reading about SVNA (Salisbury Visiting Nurses Assoc. needing more CNAs and Home Health Aides, I put this response on a local facebook forum page--which is a handy help to many for a community bulletin board as well as few reflections by moi and many others. I will try to summarize some highlights, but one person posted about a new sober house in Millerton NY to help people after their short recovery/ detox programs. Very helpful.

Much help is needed to address the thousand people passing each month from drug overdoses in this country.

Once Upon an Apology (That Never Came... But Insights Did...)

on Fri, 12/30/2016 - 04:39

I hope to share a few insights to help people who 'never get the apologies they feel and know are due'. First, 'it's not your fault that someone or more folks, groups, businesses, states or countries' do not have a form for you to fill out so they have a clue an apology might be due. There is no team to investigate for the greater good what wrongs may have been done not only to you but also 'yours' (think kids, property, possibly other family members as well, etc.)

One Big Clue here is that for many years Domestic Violence Education or Assessment of Services was Not Being Done in Rural
