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livfully's blog

Joining Hearts and Hands Across America to Ask for Healing for Whoever Hurts from The Big NEWS about Whose the final tally keeps US-All in Suspense! Prepare Ye the Way for a Future We Will All Invest More of Our Energy since All VOTES Count!

on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 05:07

 Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 just before midnight...watching the incoming tallies of Red States (for Republican candidate Donald Trump) and Blue States (For Hillary Clinton) for Who Gets the Most Votes which in turn determines how many Electoral Votes to one party or the other. So far, it's neck and neck, with many saying "it's too soon to call the shots". The most recent tally of electoral votes, 209 for Hillary to 216 for Trump. One reporter is saying 269 for each. WI and MI have yet to be counted. The NY Times is predicting Trump as winning with 300 Electoral Votes.

Now back to the

"All Your Bright Tomorrows, Begin with a Single Step, a Single Step..All Your Bright Tomorrows Begin TODAY!" Go NYC 1/2 Marathon (and ALL who Brave a Full 26 mi Marathon too! 11-6-16)

on Sun, 11/06/2016 - 11:55

Hello and Hugs on the Day of the NYC Marathon (It's a half Marathon someone told me Who I realized later didn't understand that 26 miles is a Full there IS A FULL Marathon and a half one of 13 miles, hurrah)...very cool, and it all starts in Staten Island and went North, with the grand finale in Central Park..but check the map.)

Hope you have a special day and can feel the energy..and feel the love from US-All whatever folks are people are doing ...

from cool plays to Maker Thing Faires, to walks in the park or taking care of themselves and othes with honesty and some attention

Catch up on my latest posts on

on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 16:10

Zooming around the internet with the guidance of a good techy soul, I landed on (I'm sure Mediums may appreciate the idea of access and anyone being able to blog for free, check it out and start you're own before the election..and Yes, You can stay Anonymous, which I always meant to be but it just didn't work out that far.) So find some of my latest and greatest on updated address for that site) or maybe Catherine  Palmer Paton ....Still figuring out the deets.

Inspirational Luminaries at Carnegie Hall mid November 2016, Good start after the Elections (especially if you get the half-off coupon code)

on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 16:07

With the holidaze upon us Plus The Presidential Election, who has time to think about getting Restored and Inspired? Apparently a prestigious group honoring Bob Proctor at Carnegie Hall in NYC on Monday evening on November 14th and have full day of events on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 in NYC have made plans and for a price folks can obtain tickets. The marketing strategy I've been learning about on some programs is offer something reasonable (for instance an evening event for just under 100 dollars, then offer More, a second day for instance for 350..

.But Then, Give a Discount with a

Each Day Counts Like a Month Coming Into the Homestretch. Please advocate for Evan McMullin to go easy to throw the election to the House Of Representatives for a chance to become President. Maybe that'd be better than Trump, but too risky...

on Thu, 11/03/2016 - 03:07


(Please note, this is on or or with

my name Catherine Paton in 

a better format. But this is better than nothin'...)

Once upon a time there was a group of people
