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livfully's blog

Get Updates About CT State Re-openings (Stage 2) and More online

on Thu, 06/18/2020 - 02:51  can provide you a link as follows or sign up to get a newsletter from Representative Maria Horn. The online email today provided guidelines about CT Re-opening at Stage 2. Info to reach CT Rep for the 64th District Maria Horn is as follows: 

Legislative Office Building, Room 4000
Hartford, CT 06106-1591
1-800-842-8267 | (860) 240-8585

I'll add my own note of Congratulations to all graduates and students completing their school year.

Joel Fuhrman was a figure skater...and became a nutritionist

on Thu, 06/18/2020 - 01:12 Toxic Diet Anyone? Oh yes, most of America is addicted to just that. He says it's like hitting your hand with a hammer (or having one's doctor do that...)

He got talked into going to medical school when he tried to talk a woman out of doing that. She said he should go change things. So that's pretty much what he did. He shares six case studies about a nutritarian diet...full of antioxidants with a high nutrient density.

Get a lot of nutrient bang for each caloric buck, he shares. Instead of nutritionally-deficient foods, opt for healthier food.

Difficult Turn of Events Became Tragic and Criminal in the Rayshard Brooks Case

on Thu, 06/18/2020 - 01:03 I wanted to share this update I found online on Wednesday, June 17th, 2020. The family is sharing the words that 'African Americans should not have to celebrate getting a piece of justice over events that should not have happened. This is the first time a policeman has met with the District Attorney has decided to testify against another officer.' New footage today showed that Rayshard Brooks was dying and a policeman had his foot on him and kicked him. That was after Rayshard had grabbed a taser and run away from the police.

Reflections on the Tragic Loss of Rayshard Brooks to Police Gunfire

on Wed, 06/17/2020 - 17:07

 After watching a few minutes of this I was wondering why they didn't call an ambulance or a friend to pick him up as an option... There's so much that can be improved in this kind of situation, and when someone may need help it's just not the time to overdue the arrest path..

. For everyone's sake, having more of a team to address such matters makes sense and clear protocol for subduing someone needs to be understood by everyone.

Rayshard Brooks was showing signs of mental confusion that could have been from other causes than alcohol...and hopefully anyone drinking would have someone sober and

Quiet Zoom Meeting at 7PM June 16th, 2020... #RememberingCTHeroKaelan2020

on Tue, 06/16/2020 - 23:37

MeganCole.Net, Daniel Reichart photography, and other sites have popped up on my evening scroll, plus lots from Shahin Jedian...and this

Richard Rudd is the founder of Gene Keys, a complete map of the trajectory of human evolution. Its purpose is to unlock the great reservoir of genius that lies inside you and bring you into a deep state of harmony with every aspect of your life.

 On Unify, Raamayan and Blu will be interviewing Richard about his upcoming programs and about how Gene Keys can be best used and applied for theesee times.

Whose familiar with the site of fireflies on a summer night
