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Being Kind to Kids, Pets, People of All Walks of Life Always in Style: Inspiring Songs too from Neda Boin (who I heard last night at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA)

on Fri, 05/10/2019 - 22:11

Here's a post I wrote on the Northwest Corner Chatter page (which is now a public forum still related to things in the NWCT area which is rural and part of the Housatonic River Community. ) We could call it the "Housatonice" or Who's A Ton Nice? area... Volunteers and families of many sizes and configurations keep the small communities going even with housing and cost of living prices going up, up and ...up some more as is the case in many areas (Brooklyn NY comes to mind as more urban areas and overall our US of All.)

So an old-fashioned poster promoting doing a kind act toward animals daily (a dog  or even a cat out in the rain being brought in by an elder as in the poster maybe would need a Plan "Be Careful"  in modern times due to rabies or other concerns, but we have animal control officers for just such iffy situations.)

We had a poster a few decades back that said, "Respect: Give It, Get It. Got It!" Very clever (that was through the Housatonic Youth Services in Falls Village CT, so kudos to that early initiative. I also have done a lot with the Acorns to Oaks Friends United Network (A-20 FUN) and Acorns to Oaks Team Outreach (A-2020) which there is more information about on this blog. 
So here's the post and a toast to all doing a kind deed daily!

Kind to kids, Moms, Dads, Grands and Greats, Singles and Those Coming Into Our Lives or Leaving also benefit. Many say 'how we treat others is how we will be treated...eventually if not sooner.' 

That could help everyone find a few ways to 'walk away if you have nothing nice or respectful to say' from someone 'egging you on, disrespecting you or otherwise Bothering You.' 

Other handy tips are to take a voluntary "time out' (not a punishment but just a break for the sake of enjoying a 'pause, a glass of water or walk or call.' Okay 'obvious as this is, some may have missed a few lessons in kindergarten...and graduation talks get lost amidst all the hoopla (sometimes.)

Meanwhile a few more tips on would fill out plenty of basics so people could fine tune and think of the Next Steps to appreciate life and all who share the plan and planet.

If every pet owner and pet store had a few tips to share online, through their networks and community about 'caring for someone', that would provide the wheels to get the message out in the community about safety, respect, health and much more.

Share your wisdom (even those who have had kids long ago or more recently. It's a community endeavor that the mainstream media nor laws really cover until 'things go wrong'...and even then it can be confusing and a losing matter for many...Thanks in advance now back to the regularly scheduled programming...

Yet hope you can listen to the inspiring music of Neda Boin (google and consider also the theory in This Moment Is Your Miracle by David Hoffmeister.)

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