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Check out this amazing set of women doctors and help pick a winner (which of course, they all are!)

on Sun, 12/27/2020 - 02:57
Through my Vassar Class of 1985 FB page, I have been reconnecting with many classmates (which happen to include Lisa Kudrow...yes the one from that popular show that starts with an F and ends with 'ends.' If Friends came to mind you're spot on...) Like me, others have also enjoyed meeting new ones at zoom reunions and on FB posts even 35 years later.
Thanks and kudos to all helping with such stellar efforts whether formal (such as with our Class of 1985 Dream Team and special projects) or online or with a call or text to help folks stay in the loop or on a zoom now and then. Check out more on these posts and let's all feel we're in the game of life on a winning team!
As for folks from my high school and college days, some of us fulfilled personal and career dreams...and some are still dreaming. Can't rush some of these things, ya know?
Someone 'cruising right along' with her life and work goals is classmate Deanna Aftab, now a pediatric endocrinologist! I should get some credit for knowing that's an amazing line of work and much needed in these times to address diabetes. Learn more (and vote if so moved) for her in this link. Lots of others to be inspired by as well and a site with podcasts I hope to hear in the new year.
To head toward health and wealth, check out another free session and replay from for 12/29...I'll be tuning into that and their site now that I have internet again! Be your best and you'll pass the test of living a life in step with your dreams (especially if following one's heartfelt guidance my friends at have been sharing...check out their special end of the year offers too and podcasts (two of them and an ebook...Forever in Flow.) Now check out this awesome group of women doctors, spotlighting the much deserving Doctor Mom Deanna Aftab Guy...what a Guy!