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Exploring the insights of Barbara Marciniak about the Pleiadians...

on Wed, 04/11/2018 - 02:24

I am listening to this talk having read a book a decade ago by Barbara Marciniak, and am happy to hear her speak. The theories are similar to many others of the 'new age' or however we would describe these new ideas for our modern American world ..and yes, the rest of the world too. Basically 'actions have consequences'...and we have choices sometimes 'to start all over again.' Jane Roberts wrote The Educations of Oversoul Seven (if I am hearing that right...)

This has theories about miscarriages and other concerns. There is large cooperation between the physical people and the spiritual beings. Dreaming each other into being, slowing down enough to make a nest, and find ways to keep the growing infants safe from electronics (lap tops and cell phones, etc). Lots of important ideas to consider.. use grandmotherly wisdom and respect, grandfatherly wisdom... "Laptops toast laps...and make health more challenging.."  Good luck taking her helpful advice.

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