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Free talks on line, I'll check this one out. The more people who work together to create the needed small percentage of activists to spur the greater shift, the quicker cool things can happen (like calming down and keeping the plan-it from heating up)

on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 22:43
  • Greetings in the dog days of August when one can sweat within a few minutes of walking or stepping out into the humid heat of the day. That's the case in Brooklyn NY this week of August, but rain showers and A/C help us pace ourselves. While some fellas work on rooftops, doing brickwork and construction, the rest of NY is mainly in and out of cool spots all day (I hope) or blessed with fans and ways to cool down with water (drinking it and wearing wet clothes).. all the best.. and peace!
  • The Summer of Peace 
    Get ready to make YOUR unique contribution toward building a culture of peace in your community and our world. Join 15+ top esteemed thought leaders and trailblazing agents for change – including Jane Goodall, Neale Donald Walsch, Sharon Salzberg, Ocean Robbins, Audri Scott Williams, Azim Khamisa and so many others. Plus special peace teachings from 5 Nobel Peace Laureates – The Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Rigoberta Menchú Tum and Jody Williams. At Summer of Peace, June 28 – September 21. It's from The Shift Network, so google.maybe it's
  • I also am checking the goods and talks from Jennifer McLean's series Healing With the Masters.. rather inspiring in her outreach, messages and programs based on her book Spontaneous Transformation. I still have to listen to the talks from Jarred Hewatt. Meanwhile, I am hoping to get some of the new mp3s from David Adelson, his site is now.

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