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Free from , weekly clearings for you and the world from David Adelson and healer types

on Thu, 05/26/2016 - 18:19

One of the Many Notes from David Adelson, at (where You can write to get on his mailing list or ask to be on special offer list.

He wrote to share with friends, and I consider all of you out there in cyberworld checking this site out as friendly types, so hope this is helpful. I am not (nor are they) claiming any certain results or endorsing just being the messenger.

Okay, enjoy (and like he says, don't drive or operate equipment etc when doing this, just Relax, sit and see how it goes.)

If you are not sure you want to try that, then don't and even check with anyone you would like to consult with or let know what you are doing if you share a space, a home, etc. Here's what David Adelson Sent in May 2016.

Welcome to Every week a group of powerful healers and spiritual leaders from many different traditions and backgrounds, tools and techniques, meet to clear the world. Each clearing is recorded, and you can benefit in 2 ways every time you listen:
  1. You get cleared!
  2. You help the world get cleared!
It's that simple.
Just listen in a relaxed mood to any of the clearings to benefit. (We don't recommend driving while listening)
Share with your family and friends-- the more people who listen and benefit from these powerful clearings, the faster and smoother the world's problems evaporate and the sooner the New Age, the Golden Age, Aquarian Age, Heaven on Earth-- whatever you call it-- will appear.

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