Get Motivated with "Create Blog Entry" even on the last day of the year
Great news (as far as I know): I have a new computer now (from Computer Overhauls which came highly recommended for decent used computers by reputable people, many of which were business computers which are built to last longer (more wear and typing) than a basic consumer model.)
So for a few hundred bucks, Yours Truly is up and typing again from the convenience of my own dwelling! I did appreciate being able to access computers at public libraries and a friend's house, but in terms of seizing the inspiration to connect with you folks and share what's on the ol' noggin' (what's coming through from the ethersphere...or muse, Aladdin's Lamp or spirit...well, all credit to where it belongs, even if 'just from my own gray matter and the still-functioning memory and idea, wish and prayer maker and social sections.) So, it's the 'last day of the year', December 31st, 2018..
.How are you taking note of the day (are you up yet, it's 9am on the east coast in the US of A-Miracle.) I get to help take down a Christmas tree. Someone just happened to break a glass which was heavy enough it made it two bounces, so we're off to quite a start.
That counts as fireworks and one of those 'glass crushing' ceremonial moments in my book. In general when water splashes out of the blue, I take that as a wink from heaven, since our late teen son Kaelan and I used to playfully splash water on each other, generally in warm weather when running around outside and using a basic water bottle that can spray easily or a simple paper cup of water.
A few New Year's Eves ago, I was at a friendly social party with a live band and people dancing themselves into a sweat (some of the bigger fellas...) I playfully tossed a bit of water on one right near the time of midnight saying it looked like he needed to cool down or something along the lines of Happy New Year....and it was okay...but just barely, since I didn't know him. I knew his friends and thought that was a social icebreaker of sorts, but it backfired a bit (in that moment...and who knows who can recall...maybe only a dozen people. )
It meant something different to everyone involved and there were other happy and silly things going on. Still, some took offense, so I offer that now as a way to apologize for breaking social and yes, physical boundaries via the water.
On a more poetic note the other day I met someone whose Aunt had passed away earlier that day. I shared that maybe our late son would be able to help welcome her to the other side since he and I had become friends in the past few months.
When I recounted how my son had passed, trying to save others in the water, which he was able to do but lost his own life in the process, the fellow said he'd had a dream about a lifesaver that morning. Another woman I saw just yesterday appreciated me sharing that on Christmas I had felt moment sof connection with my late son who I'd been thinking of along with other loved ones, here and in heaven, at a church service.
What brought him to mind for me in front of her home was a young man descending a set of stairs from a brownstone calling out, "Bye, Mom!" When I heard that I had been looking at a lovely display of golden bells by a lamp post with a reindeer, all things that remind me of the countryside and this time of year which happened to be the time of his birth as well. Another church he had grown up in had the lighthouse as a theme. I had thought of him and his grandpa who passed away about a month after him when I had seen a deer or two near the church or about our countryside in the hills of northwest Connecticut.
But this call of "Bye, Mom" made me think of how I hadn't had time to say goodbye to Kaelan in a gentle way. We had all been under a lot of pressure as a family for months (years really) so our close connection was strained. In his early years homeschooling, he was my right hand young man helping with playing with kids and even lending a listening ear with some sage advice.
He advocated for anyone who was hurt in anyway, to get help to end the worry and fear that could take root in one's mind. Telling someone one trusts is a key theme I explore more in other posts, but finding the right people nowadays is not always the easiest thing to do. Likely doing so anonymously when possible is a good bet and reading a lot online.
That's an added insight about how the past experiences of people can inform the present. Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton, who was born at home just after midnight on January 6th, 1993 and passed in the afternoon of June 16th, 2009, had a full life which he embraced with energy and optimisim even over some tough times.
He had a full time job early on being a brother to his three sisters, one older and two younger, and a cousin to dozens of others as well as a friend to his local classmates and more friends over the years of being in folk music and a year in high school to connect with the kids from other towns.
His memorial service is on youtube in small segments with some pictures added and an added segment at the end of his grandparents, Sandy ( Charles Alexander) Paton and Caroline (Swenson) Paton and his dad David Paton playing folk music in a recording session. Wonderful music is on youtube from Folk Legacy Records which they ran for 50 years. Overall 'goodbyes' can be challenging, yet the world beckons us to move through those times of sorrow or transition with courage and optimism, trusting 'nothing is ever really that far away or lost, the spirit and love covers all.'
Who are you thinking of from the prior year or from the past who has 'touched up your life' in meaningful ways. Taking note of the journey you have experienced so far can help inform your present and future options for sharing your time, talent and treasure, making trips and helping yourself and others in a balanced way. Here's to more of the good stuff and heartfelt hugs for the tough stuff you, me and many are going through. Let's let the love rain down on our souls and efforts as this year turns into the day, one hour and conversation and post and prayer at a time...'Bye, Son!" (An earthly farewell, yet knowing in a deep loving way...our love goes on...)
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