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Hey There, Missed Posting and Hope to Catch Up in the Next Week or So!

on Thu, 10/26/2023 - 02:56

Did anyone wonder why I wasn't posting for the last few months? I know I did once I got through some 'real life stuff'...caring for a special person in my life who had cancer...and passed away after a few months of learning 'it wasn't Lyme' but cancer that  maybe would respond to treatment, but didn't.

It put a lot of my learning from over the years to use but really just put my focus of caring for someone on that and those who were able to do 'the heavy lifting' not just moving him but keeping up with him for months prior to when we realized it was something more serious even though the doctor mainly said it was Lyme.

I have met others since who have had a similar path where symptoms that didn't seem too serious were or became that...whether sooner or later. It's hard to comprehend the ways the body can be taxed or taken for a health challenge but 'one thing leading to another' should probably be explored more so people can address needs with a team.

Someone getting sick may have been bitten by a tick. Some conditions are more serious than others. Same with eating food that hasn't been refrigerated and may have bacteria that's a fast-moving menace.

Those are just a few examples but overall if someone is hurt or not doing well, they should not be alone to tough it out and  be closer to a hospital than not. With winter coming on (and that means cold weather and maybe snow as early at the end of October 2023 in the US due to an artic storm from Canada.)

Same goes for anyone expecting a new a little extra monitored by friends and family and closer to help than not. Unfortunately many money-driven efforts are closing rural hospitals and consolidating maternity and ICU services such as is being discussed for years regarding Sharon Hospital in CT which is part of Nuvance Health systems.

See more about that on which produces The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News. Now for some Good News...the need for $100K to keep that independent set of papers, with The Lakeville Journal running for 125 years as a weekly paper, has almost been reached by the deadline of October 31st, 2023 to get a $100K matching grant from generous donors such as Meryl Streep (yes That Meryl Streep) and in recent years from Sam Waterston (I got to see them Both at That Gala at the local lake front location with lovely nibbles and many friendly folks joining together to celebrate the non-profit success story of keeping the paper afloat during COVID and beyond.

It got help to stay afloat as part of 'an essential service, so I like to think that my efforts of writing to The Lakeville Journal for about 25 years has been meaningful and helpful...that pretty much was the point and my strong hope! I encourage everyone especially in a leadership role with any sense of wanting to create a conversation and greater sense of connection in their community to help people weigh in on some topics and incorporate the various views (yet in the opinion piece of Letters to the Editor one is supposed to 'take a stance' one person told me...) I have often wanted to present balanced views and basically do that... Okay it's getting late and it's been a long day and big month.

I will share the letter I wrote this week in the paper here next week...and trust the overall efforts of many will make the call for de-escalation and humanitarian needs to find a way to address the situations of conflict and killling in the world, particularly you know where....peace and grateful to be back on board. I have been on and have about 20 replays there so I was sharing as I could since June 2023 through the summer and now it's time to do more of each. See you on FB too .

By the way, I plan to get to the in Brooklyn NY this weekend. Hope many can join in and consider the viewpoints shared to understand the ways people are trying to help figure out the world. Not everything is to be taken at face value of course, but overall it seems people are trying to be part of healing the transition of people to become more aware of things and have transparency about matters...Lots of people are trying to sort things out...

Many serious topics and no need to 'dive in the deep end' but consider what the next generations are hearing about and needing to comprehend. Important to keep an open mind and find our way to be more clear about why things are unfolding and going as they are.... Peace and good will to all wanting that. There's going to be a big event in India with 10K people 'thinking peace and meditating' for about 2 weeks soon to help shift human consciousness. Look online and let's see how that's going with those gathering in India and also being on zoom...