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If you haven't yet, You've just bumped into......, lucky you (if you are okay with looking at energetic and alternative healing modalities). Free for a short time so wanted to share..

on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 19:10

How is it that much of the world enjoys an array of support for healing on many levels and feeling connected while most folk among US-All are left in the dark and clueless, stuck only with medical models to treat emotional and physical ailments, and most social conflicts not even acknowledged?

Small wonder, Darius and others on his show,, indicate we likely have been trained to trust leaders and societal aspects that don't have the answers we need and aren't even interested! Why not?! M-O-N-E-Y and even earnest disbelief in things not seen in the physical realm or otherwise not enlightened enough to consider publicly.

Likely privately they are curious and would pursue more if someone in their close circles needed help, but again if that would cast doubt on their life's work and social circles, not likely. Strange how some folks will fight like the dickens to hang on to things, yes, people, places, work and more including addictions whereas others may and can just 'drop something or someone' one hour or day to the next, even after many years.

Our society may be honestly confused about 'what to do when' whether for safety, health and well-being given the fairy tale and religious and societal norms we are  wading in at all times. Love songs about making vows, getting in fights, leaving and returning also are rampant in movies and real life. Any connection there? More guidelines such as in The Enneagram system could show healthier versions of a personality and less so ones. 

Jennifer McLean also had some great programs, so stop by her site sooner rather than later. Her events in CA sometimes include a free ticket if you do an online class. I had a free one but didn't feel up to the cross country venture. Also some healing modalities say 'don't do other ones' I will take my time figuring that out, not that I think it would really hurt much but may make one form less effective. That's just my guess.

Also in terms of honoring various teachers or traditions, there is plenty of discussion of 'stick within one's circle' even from different paths, whereas some ideas are more open in terms of discussion and sharing. Actions likely could be clarified since that is not just theoretical, but could involve energetic and physical 'inputs' or change legalities.  Listening into programs is helpful for the most part, but always check in with trusted friends and don't give out personal information or be on recorded calls if you are not clear that is the case or the consequences of doing so are.

Back to the interesting talk..much of which involves considering questions, tuning into one's feelings (one fellow says just naming the feelings can heal things, release and help one resolve even chronic conditions..) No major healing claims are made, these are theories, and none should be construed as medical advice. Always check with your physician or other appropriate people even your attorney before making any decisions about changing relationships (especially if living in the same domicile with another, have a child with someone, etc.)

Don't make sudden moves even if you have a shift in energy, etc, unless it is safe and legal to do so unless there is an emergency or you are avoiding danger. Ideally check with or in NYC, Thanks for tuning into these kinds of posts and talks and into your own experience, feelings, and life--past, present and future...and with support.

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