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Join John Lui at Brooklyn Commons on Atlantic Ave Fri Oct.21st, 2016, at 7pm for free Heal the Earth documentary and more

on Fri, 10/21/2016 - 00:29

What a great way to gear up for Global Oneness Day, and The Election, and of course Halloween (and All Souls Day...and much more like The Future of Plan-It Earth with Heart!) Hope to hear more if not see this award-winning documentary producer in person sharing hope for regreening the planet, restoring imbalances...and more. Thanks for sharing with a friend! Also check out the cool stuff on Andrew Faust who is offering Brooklyn Permaculture classes and monthly meet-ups.

The PC Basics certification starts on Oct 22nd, 2016. See more online and enjoy the new ways to 'save energy', recycle (everything), catch and store rainwater and work with nature not against it (people too). and much More! Let me know what you think of Michael Moore's latest or other films. Are folks feeling inspired? Check out offerings at the NY Edgar Cayce Center (medical intuitive classes being offered if enough sign up in advance). Many great efforts (compared to the big medical industry) to help people tune into their health and wealth before losing one or both (often connected, unfortunately, as if poor health were not enough of a blow.)

Don't forget to Make A Will, have Health Care Representatives on File with one's doctor and readily at hand for others (near the fridge with a note anyway), plans for childcare short-term or longer and all that good stuff. One's list may include 'filing for bankruptcy to clear old debt or more recent if that is one's best or preferred option--just learn about one's credit for starters with and get reports from all three agencies that provide them with a written report (sometimes not available for free if viewing online so read the fine print or call if needed.)

Then there is doing a BUDGET (that's not code for Get Bud) and Plan with or other service (free ideally though some like 'youneedabudget' or something like that which costs 50/month.) Other posts speak to these issues. But as reminders to women who are so good at caring for others, don't forget to check with your 'lady doctor' or GYN (or OBGYN if not completely through menopause...I've heard of two women who thought that's what they were having when their symptoms proved to be due guessed it, pregnancy!

Both had their kids even after being moms before (so having some idea of how babies are made, intentionally or otherwise.) Then there's testing or UTI (urinary tract infection if peeing a lot..and that can be for a guy or a gal.)

A UTI could cause difficulty with one's kidneys since the urinrogenital tracts are connected. Get all those 'regular exams as one feels is appropriate (PAPs, mammograms and so on, possibly the ultrasound type if an option but again Do Your Own Research and get a couple of opinions especially about biopsies and other procedures. Is there a timeline to be aware of, is there an alternative to try and get retested? Most women may benefit from an estrogen type cream (or again possibly a natural or over-the-counter type if not going to a doctor for a prescription) to keep female tissues in shape and comfortable and maybe prevent UTIs.

Keeping an eye on one's diet and really not eating 'the foods that may cause or are linked to' UTIs, high blood sugar or pressure and so on makes good sense. And no, a doctor doesn't have to tell you that Before you get out of shape or high numbers (or a UTI, etc or yeast infection...these are things many women, and yes men, find out the hard way.) So, back to caring for the planet...doesn't hurt to start at home, and be proactive about eating organic or healthier foods as much as possible, getting good sleep (have I ever mentioned that on this blog...easier said than done by the way.) Okay maybe we could Pay People to Sleep and see if that improved health for people and gave them a living wage, a win-win even if we didn't pay in cash but maybe in good food or other support such as foot massages and such as may be approved by their doctor. 

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