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With a Little Help from Our, even ones we haven't met (yet)!

on Tue, 08/02/2016 - 23:50

Has anyone tuned into a free offer that sounded  too good to be true but actually was cool? Thankfully, I have enjoyed getting a Free Book (just pay Shipping and Handling of 10 bucks) from Jennifer McLean.

I have yet to read it but enjoy everything she's been sharing for months online and felt ten dolares was worth it. Plus it's full of important ideas to center and help one feel grounded and open to healing.

So next up I hear from Ryan Eliason, again with groovy emails and videos..and now a Free Book. I almost didn't bother since I was expecting a whopping S&H fee, but thought I'd check. Whala, an E-book called the The 10 Best Ways to Get Paid for Changing the World which will soon be for sale but I could download (and did just now). I was thrilled and haven't even read it (yet)

. So, who have you been chumming around with online that's inspiring you to be your one true cool self?

I will also give a shout out to Lisa Giroux who is hosting an All Things Spiritual TeleSummit online, with 9 am talks and some replays (how long they are up I'm not quite sure.) My friend David Adelson will be on that too whose cool site is offering more products to help create a safety and wellness vibe around a person (my summary, so check it out, can't get much easier than that.) I've also been tapping into my 30-day trial of Designrr.

I wrote saying I forgot what I signed up for and basically they mentioned I also got a bonus of talks (valued at $197) for Free (my favorite price) on how to use the e-book software which would turn blog posts into e-books. This set of bonus talks goes over how to get content such as making videos or audios (with resources like youtube and audacity --for audio only-- mentioned). Posting the URL with the 'embed' command on a blog would link people to the video or audio.

Simple for some but rocket science for us pen and inkers of the past. Matt Wolfe was walking us through ideas like hiring ghost writers from and gave tips on putting a good ad up, screening the best prospects with requests for samples and making sure they were a good match. Using a separate email for responders made sense too since he could get 40 folks interested in doing a 1000 word piece for 40 bucks.

He would then tweak it to make it his own after they did the research and put in images, which again he might personalize. I didn't even realize that was legal. He also mentioned by Neal Patel and that was all in the first 20 minute talk of about a dozen or more. Yikes, I've got my homework to do.

Overall, I am trying to learn the business side of blogging and hope to share with others as I go. Apparently, like getting on an amusement ride, blogging is almost as easy as buying the ticket, and getting on for the ride! Do take care with any endeavor and maybe go for incognito or pen name posts initially.

I have a friend talking up the successful vloggers, on youtube who make thousands when millions check their posts. Looks like the skies the limit, but again, worth a few serious thinks with friends and well-paced affordable efforts before selling the family farm.

Happy Communicating and taking a Communication Vacation (speaking or relating, in new ways with those in your circles and even on line...some say Silence is Golden..and that's always a cool option to have in one's back pocket for any occassion.) Don't forget, there's no place like Ohm...(I think I made this up but let me know if I didn't...)

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