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Live Heronically, or Sheronically, or Heroically...but LIVE L-IF-E!

on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 15:49
Thanks for all (especially and who have Marshall Miles keeping a heronic eye on our situation with other dedicated types who care for our small NWCT area on  boards and in the media for decades! Where would we be without them and even without me, who grew up here (and with a couple hours of  here for my 50 years on plan-it heart aka earth..and keep my son Kaelan Paton's memory alive with reflecting in a positive healing way about t he What-IFs of that day and anything linked to it..oh yes, HVRHS, the small towns and families who Want to live amicably and with some adventures..we need to get on the same page about what that really means so we don't have 'accidents' like the one that claimed Kaelan's life and even others later that summer who played too near dangerous water, without life vests or the right capable ADULT (legally responsible) supervision...little details we hopefully will not overlook to honor Kaelan's final moments of having to decide the best he could What to do, who to call and how...more of that on other postings here and on his FB memorial page.).
So, thanks again to those who keep an eye on the Details..for 'an array of musings and serious issues all young women and the rest of US should know and live in light of, tune into and add your voice about what choice you would make (about anything...schools, friends, fair relationships and partings, access to children during marriage, divorce or post-divorce, and much more...)

I hope to see a national website of common sense ways to PLAN for safety, success and shared good experiences at every stage of life..we don't live in a vacuum yet we do need to 'stay in our bubble to stay out of trouble' at times..(yes, I made that up and you can use with permission for profit or free if sharing freely). More words of wisdom and inspiration on that heronically (like heroically yet a more 'lofty, birdseye view of our spiritual existence on the earth/heart plane...or if you'd prefer--male or female-- you can live sheronicall...Continue Reading
Some “facts” about the Superintendents “concessions”

1) The money does not come out of the budget

2) It is still counted as her salary, and goes towards building her retirement package...See More

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