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Need to revise endorsing Nassim Haramein..likely he is off base, so my apologies but HELLO NYC!

on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 00:16

Arriving in NYC on my way to Florda, I got to mentioning to a bright fellow whose almost 40 that Nassim Haramein had made some awesome discoveries in physics, picking up where Einstein left off. He was intrigued for about 2 seconds but after googling and seeing that Nassim did not have 'peer-reviewed papers' with endorsements became skeptical and concerned that Nassim has made such a splash in the world.

Well I too am dismayed there is not a way to sort through 'what's real and what's not...yet that is what the scientific  and mathematical schools of thought are doing..and maybe we will hear more on this as part of our collective learning process.

In terms of theories, maybe there is something salvageable or worth investigating...he was making sense to me, but I only had calculus thirty years ago and was not that great at it. The idea of sacred geometry and the term the fingerprint of God or an organizing force sounded rather inspiring...and in the realm of poetry and a kind of sci-fi maybe we can explore more of these themes.

We are hearing a lot more about UFOs and energy fields on the earth and even in our bodily again I think it's better to keep an open-mind rather than dismiss people because they are not endorsed by the scientific community..if they Claim to be and they are not, that's disconcerting. If they turn out to be in error that is a problem they should be the first to admit.

On brighter notes, I want to say a Huge Hello to All of New  York City and surrounding areas. I looked over the Not For Tourists Guidebook and a map so I think I have the jist of Manhatten and the other boroughs. I enjoyed my trek down for the hill country on the Wassaic NY Harlem Valley Line for a couple of hours in the afternoon.

Taking in the subway rush hour crews was what I recalled from a couple other visits (look for me dancing in Rolling Jubilee's  few minute video about cancelling medical debt which should be out in a few months on youtube and such)...a lot of hustle and bustle. With my backpack type suit case which could also be pulled along on its wheels I was okay with walking many a block underground as I caught the needed trains--the S subway and then the one to 6th and 31st street.

I got to see the Empire State Buildling lit up in its heavenly blue which seemed like a hello from the heavens (since had I not walked a block in the 'wrong direction' I would have not realized it was behind me which I discovered when I turned around). It's always good to doublecheck one's assumptions and if one is perfectly Wrong to correct and even apologize if another person is involved.

 I wrote a lengthy entry which I accidentally deleted..but Rebecca Singer who gave a workshop called Singing Into the Bone says our experiences should be held close rather than 'given away' when being part of a ceremony (that one was to awaken memories that are stored in one's bones, yes including the marrow...) and to honor the uniqueness of one's life and experiences rather than second guess them.

Maybe that's what my entry today was for...more of a just for me journaling even though I mainly reviewed key points I've made throughout this blog to stay focused on reviewing the systems which have kept women and children in the shadows of having meaningful power and legal rights.

Also to modernize our laws and policies to allow anyone to leave their home safely (with a police officer and taxi handy if needed) rather than only arrest someone if a crime has been committed. That would be a strategy to let women and children leave safely as needed without having to report crimes or harm. Too often agencies say they don't have room, but likely more women could find 'safe homes' with friends through networks if enough planning were done in advance.

The whole area of the criminal courts prosecuting men who are summarily dismissed of consequences if only in a custody or divorce matter needs great review and fixin'. The information on is some of the best and that on or National Parents Organization which promotes shared parenting unless there is abuses (which they seem to water down and dismiss too often) merits everyone's attention.

 As I type, I am hearing a child cry out gutterly and for a few minutes now, which is not something I am used to hearing. I think I heard this earlier so may check if I can...but overall, why can't people talk with kids in a reasonable fashion and help them find ways to get their basic needs met..

Okay, I just checked and I told her she was going to make me start crying..then I said to the nice parents too..okay, who did it, Daddy or Mommy? She pointed to...Daddy, this time..and yet they were basically all calm and heading home.Maybe she didn't get what she wanted but again, it sounded serious, and she was about 5 years old so likely could have been reasoned with..just sayin'...

 Time to go for now, but all the best to everybuddy here and all the way down the coast where I get to go tomorrow for a big wedding...and week of R and R.

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