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Take Time to Learn CPR, First Aid, Situational Awareness (Okay that's a Bigger idea but impt too)

on Thu, 03/24/2022 - 15:16
Who knows who will need to know these basic skills? I have taken a few trainings over the years. Sometimes there are free sessions offered as well (and worth looking online to at least watch basic first aid and CPR skills!)
Thanks to all who have taken time to learn and help themselves and others Prevent Choking (don't eat and talk at the same time or eat too much or foods like stringy roast beef, hotdogs or other meats or tough foods that can get bigger or tougher to swallow than chew...)
Help kids think ahead and watch out for 'games' such as throwing grapes in the air and catching in their mouths since they can go right down one's throat...and also any kind of 'choking game'...
Not Okay and may be illegal or a trigger for a mandated report etc.Same with foul language, loud or anything disturbing the peace or being forceful in 'parenting or disciplining' kids...Treat others the way you want to be treated! Thanks again and let's enjoy everything as much as possible!