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When a School Budget Barely Passes and Only a Small Percent Voting, How Can We and Other Communities Build Hope and Success for All into Future PLANS?(People Learning with Agreements, Networking through Schools and Society)

on Wed, 05/04/2016 - 23:34

The Northwest Chatter FB group of a couple thousand has been helpful in the CT tri-corner area (MA/NY CT). Such forums spur more conversation than one might have otherwise. Any town or region likely could benefit from such a forum. Good luck getting yours up and running with volunteers. The unsung heroes as Ralph Nader quipped of bloggers and community activists and concerned citizens need to keep their spirits and efforts up for without an involved citizenry we're up a creek and paddlin' in circles or worse...

I feel we need a tribal gathering of sorts to allow people to post concerns and ideas to transform our communities in ways that honor collective values and hopes. 

The difficulty stemming from costly state mandates with no charter or alternative and homeschooling options is growing. With so much beauty and many options for feeding all people in healthy ways, with much grown locally, there are fewer reasons to feel stuck. Young children deserve much more input from many groups supporting their families and daycares as well as first years in grade school.

We expect daycare teachers to do the hardest jobs along with some moms and librarians....and then expect all kids to be able to keep up. Sports get too competitive too soon and suddenly a child of 10 is hardly seen playing again. Unless they have few supports and fall way behind in school, lucky to get going in high school

.The pros at the top maybe could have done better with some respect for team liasons, helping bridge gaps and avoid lawsuits...but they clearly know the way the systems work. Many communities seem shocked when the best interests of people are not prioritized whether kind hearted, young or vulnerable. 

The money trail at all levels funnels resources and decision makers to endorse the schools as they have been but more over the prison system. Poor schooling is linked to more prisons,so someone's benefitting handsomely from the broken school systems and fragmented community support.

Single parents if safe and trying deserve a team of support. DV is no stranger to many a mother or woman so schools should try to be more connected to helping her protect her children

.A national conference will be in Albany and likely only five people from CT will attend to learn from leaders just a few advocates so again the obvious solution to prevent harm to kids and communities is not bring pursued.

I have important books by and Lundy Bancroft I can share. Check their sites and mothers custody conference for livestreaming of them and others.I would appreciate any donations to offset basic costs.

I have gone a few times before, in snowstorms or in all the learning and communicating I do is on a shoestring grace-filled budget.I likely have given 10K a year in free posts and networking for over twenty years.

I have attended numerous events, and many people criticize me for both. A few thank me and about 70K have read one or more posts in my blog, a few about Spikes Ride.

And our son Kaelan trying to save his friends with the last one thankfully bring saved by a rope rescuer Skip Kosciusko drew 10-20K.

It would benefit rescue workers who face risking their precious, skillful lives as well as families hoping to have a collective care ethic for their wonderful children and teens and really people of all ages, such as elderly or those with special needs whether for mobility, safe travel (not driving when not fully competent, having a clear no drink or drug guideline for driving, and so much more to Prevent Loss, Accidents, and Injury and Death). 

A few good ideas and campaigns for safety could go a long way toward healing and helping prevent harm for next generations and all those who are fortunate to have ties and homes to the our area. The same could spur similar efforts across the state and country (and beyond, such is that nature of compentency and safety planning.)

We have not found time or a forum to discuss Voluntary parenting and care plans to keep students and others safe with clear limit setting.

Thanks for thinking about issues as you can and keeping the corner vibrant and headed toward a healthier experience for all at home,school,work and in the roads.check out free talks online at Hayhouse World Summit or Jennifer McLean for bright hopeful ideas...and even texts from various faiths which promote a sense of kindness toward self and others and respect for the possibility of the divine and healing energy for ourselves, the planet and our future.

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