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Thinking of a wonderful fellow as his time to head to heaven arrived at the start of the President's Birthday, 8/4/16...Every Inning Counts, Play on and play well on earth and in heaven!

on Thu, 08/04/2016 - 21:18

News of the passing (from a car accident on Rt 112  West of Limerock Park which has some dangerous corners) of a longtime resident and radio broadcaster.Bobby Chatfield Sr.

 swept the northwest corner of CT headlines in papers such as The Register Citizen.

I am not sure about sharing such articles on my blog, but a google search would be worthwhile such as in the Register Citizen of Torrington Ct. 

One can learn of the many people who benefitted from decades of efforts by Bobby Chatfield Sr to connect with people and good causes through his broadcasting, sports and charitable endeavors.

I had the good fortune to talk with a few times over the years and appreciate more of his life journey which was not always easy.

He had a big caring heart and a smooth soothing voice. Likely he will still be watching how we play the next few innings and games as team players in this big game of Life here on plan-it heart or earth.

This is what I put on Facebook after seeing the news on a post by his good friend and WQQQ co-worker Marshall Miles.

I'm taking time to reflect as I'm sure many are doing when hearing of Bobby Chatfield Sr.'s passing.

I will think of him as still speaking to us as though on the radio.  Messages can come through in many ways.

Remembering a loved one on the other side is something that we likely could have a class or two in to prepare us all for that bigger game of Life and the one that may follow.


in to ease some of the despair and sense of finality that can come with someone's mortal end.

Let's keep a candle lit and the Big Love broadcasting loud and clear to those far and near as a key way to honor the legacy of those

we have been blessed to know and connect with as friends, family or community members. Everyone Counts Big time.. no small players in the game of life.

Expect the Unexpected at the Sharon Library and likely all libraries have books on the afterlife that speak to a greater realm of wonder and possibility than most of us have had a chance to consider.

Not to say letting go of someone is not a challenge...we are rather connected to the here and now, but let's keep an open heart like Bobby had to the greater circles of love and play this next inning of the summer and our lives with him by our side cheering US All on. Hugs to all who knew and loved him both on earth and in heaven...and likely hugs from heaven are coming our way too.


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