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Paint and Sip at Sharon Firehouse on Sept. 30th, 2016, UFO Talk about Sheffield MA experience in Oct 2016 in Salem MA. Also Folk-Legacy 55th Anniversary Concert in W Hartford Oct 1st,2016 (which is Safe Child Day too!)

on Thu, 09/15/2016 - 14:40

Look up the controversy about this picturesque setting of the Sheffield Covered Bridge just off Route 7 in Sheffield MA as the possible site of a UFO experience by

 Thom (as he prefers to spell his name) will be in Salem  Mass at an event called Paratween (with tix at 50 bucks if you buy early) in October 22nd, 2016. He will be giving a talk with others on UFOs.

Why not use our imagination to consider What IF there is more to know and learn than we realized (or were programmed to be able to consider)?

Happy painting, dreaming and safe travels wherever you go.. I put more info about Tom Reed on another post, so check the list by viewing pages below by number.

The talk will be 'one not to be missed', Tom indicates, so which event will draw more visitors? Maybe a display of the paintings can be used to encourage attendance at the Barrington October event which the GB Historical Society is also helping host. Peace, safey and divine protection for all who ask it may be a good idea too by the way when dealing with the challenging ideas and possibilities.

Some say 'just don't go there', but when 'they come to us, what can one do'. Some like Mark Sims (online) say many thousands have been recruited from earth to be a link to transitioning if our planet's climate has been maxed out and we  may need to 'live elsewhere' in decades or centuries to come. Maybe some have already transitioned and it is all rather mind-boggling and oh yes, scary as the get-go.

But people's inhumanity to others is likely a key part of Why our Earth is in such Dire Straits and Humanity Suffering at Large at the feet of a few looking to walk over everyone like footstools and intimdating the heck out of people (like me but I mainly learned from many others) who try to stem the tide of terror whether in one's own mind and soul (and yes, any of us is a candidate for self-torture and blaming others which may even be a way of blaming ourselves but hard to face, yet by the 'same token' we may be KEY to our healing more than we ever were allowed or led to believe.)

So back to the idea of What is Really so Scary and Bad about UFOs and Aliens when we've had genocides, rampant poverty and crime wiping people off the planet when we likely could have done better and Could Still Do a Lot Better in our Civilized Countries and even the Indigent or Primitive Cultures.. how hard can it be to be decent?

Clearly the MEN OF THE PLAN-IT need to get a grip on a certain aspect of their collective mindset, bodily hormones and parts that cause damage to far too many others, mainly Women and Kids but other Guys too.

That little insight could 'cut the problem in half' when trying hard to figure out how to deal with huMANity. A little clue there, it has something to do with Telling MEN who hurt others to cut it out, already. Enough damage has been done and the MEDIA has got to be stopped from pushing horror and crime as the way to sell news.

Since that is Highly Unlikely, best to BOYCOTT most media and not dwell on surface issues. Better to dig a little deeper and maybe even Think for Oneself and With Others Outside of the FOX News and other canned programs.

That's what I try to present here... a way to process information and really ideas as though we actually were allowed to think out loud and consistently through situations, reframe concerns and come up with sensible solutions.

Permaculture does that around the world and even they don't intend to be the end-all be-all but rather inspire everyone to learn some basics and create their own positive communities with guiding principles and teamwork. That is a lot to ask in this age of individualism and status quo, but we can try and ideally some inner part of every person will feel enlightened and encouraged to join in their own transformation and blend nicely with others.

Remember that 'plays well with others' metric (I think that's what they call it in bureauspeak) on a kids' report card...we need to try to do that as big kids in the playground called the world playing the game of L-IF-E and remember the possibilities with the the Big IF in the middle of it all. Okay, need to wrap up so this can be posted and read before painting fundraiser on the 30th. Another groovy event on October 1st, 2016  is the 55th Anniversary of Folk-Legacy Records, Inc. of Sharon CT with a concert in West Hartford at 7:30pm.

See more info on their website, and give a listen to the free music on youtube. Buy one to help them celebrate and keep you inspired with uplifting or otherwise moving folk singing and tunes. It's good stuff and the founders, Caroline and the late Sandy Paton, are the grandparents of my kids, including our late son Kaelan Paton ('93-'09), whose Memorial Service is on youtube and features some of the recording artists who made the trek from near and far to Sharon a month after Kaelan's passing (and as it turned out about a month before Sandy's who crossed over at age 80).

 Ed Trickett is one of my favorites, but everyone is special and a joy to listen to. Celebrate too that they collected songs from hillside folks and through many school and festival programs, a lost art in ways but one that can be revived with the new technology. More online about the concert, Folk-Legacy, the Paton Folksingers and more. Ideas to support and preserve such cultural contributors would be helpful to more states and regions, so send me ideas as they may come up to or leave a voice mail at 860-626-5199.

Maybe write your own song and Sing It that day too which is National Safe Child Day! Maybe I can arrange an impromptu kids song circle in the West Hartford Area earlier in the day at a park just to mark the day, but feel free to do that wherever you are, say at 3pm if you want a time which can remind US-All to keep track of our kids when they are getting out of school for the day, the year, whenever schedules change and really All the Time (know where they are, who they are with, that they are doing something you Approved of that is Safe and Reasonable.) Cool, and many thanks...

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