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A Plug for Democracy at Work New York! Plus Program offerings at The Commons in Brooklyn NY!

on Sun, 09/18/2016 - 18:05

Here is a public service announcement: has info about its programs so check it out and get inspired which I am doing. I picked up a flyer at The Commons at 388 Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn NY (near Hoyt and Bond St.)

Find out some basics about the amazing few-story building with a cafe and open space room as well as rooftop garden and other features (and locale of radio station) on their website. Permaculture NY meets there on the 3rd Friday of the month with additional offerings such as Permaculture Basics (starting soon for about $1100) and other workshops as well.

Other groups offer programs there as well. I intend to look up The Brookyn Brainery since that is a venue for taking classes or giving them. In rural communities or suburbs or cities,  perhaps faith groups, civic ones and libraries and adult ed facilities could find a way to allow for meeting spaces in a similar manner. Often 'each group neeed to have its own insurance if it is not sponsored by the primary group." I don't think that is the case in every state, but CT and likely others are moving more in that direction.

Democracy AT Work New York (D@WNY and or 917-754-7619 with Program Director Alan Schulman) is olding a meeting there on Wed. Sept 21st at 7pm. at The Commons.

They will have 6 agenda items including: 1- Econtomic Update with Q and A by economist Richard Wolff.2- Presentation by Econ Prof. Ian Seda on La Junta Fiscal, Austerity, Wealth Extraction and Crisis in Puerto Rico.

3- A Political and Magical Performance by Bushwick Atrists Jendog Lonewolf and Yelani Dream 4- Consversation- The political anad programmitic place for the NY Center in a growing and broad-based people's movement for economic and political change

5-Coop Working Group Meetings, Public Education and Curriculum Development Working Group Meetings, Electoral Politics Working Group, Studty Group Development Working Group 6-Mondragon and Cuba Delegations 201

The flyer also says the following: "The program at the Center continues to grow while attracting a range of activists committed to building towrards as new more human worker centered Workplace Democracy. Now led by a 9 member Program Development Coordinating Committee, we have established 4 Working Committees--1) Coop Education,(2) Incubation and support,(3) Public Education and Curriculum Development, (4) Electoral Politics and Economic Education.

 We can appreciate the effort it takes to get the ball rolling for a community event or any kind of outreach. Dreaming things up then taking the steps to implement them with a team effort is a strategy catching on with more groups and regions of the country in many fields. Let's keep lighting candles of hope and wisdom, and letting our lights shine bright.

The world's darkness is devestating and so it's not really a luxury as much as it is a necessity to tun in before we see what turns out to be 'even worse than we imagined'. We can make a fidderence.. or a Difference (I allowed the typo to speak it's urgent message). A little self-correcting and collaboration can go a long way toward getting US All Back On Track.

For over a decade that has also been a theme for North Canaan Ct to rebuild its historic depot  when it was accidentally burned down on a windy night when minors were out and about and got into..can you believe this, Mischief! 

Clearly we need to know and follow a Chief when minors and even as adults so keep that in mind with the political opportunity to put a Ms. Chief in place to clean up the mischief in DC and our country. Thanks for sharing as you can.

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