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Once upon a time, President Trump was a...Pharaoh?! According to Dr. Baskaran Pillai that would be a "yes'.

on Fri, 11/18/2016 - 17:16

 In the days before the  2016 US Presidential election which rocked the world (and should bring more support and attention to Standing Rock folks protesting the ruin of their lands for pipelines), Lisa Garr from was interviewing two dozen amazing thinkers from around the world and about the topic of the Soul, our lives before we are born and after we leave this realm.

It's still free today, Nov 18th, 2016.--or for purchase later, Dr. Baskaran Pillai, a revered person with years of experience and a previous incarnation into the light but chose to come back to help humanity,  shared that Donald Trump, as well as all other Presidents, have had past lives of influence in roles of leadership.

He says we have all had Millions of lives. Lisa shares at the end of her talk that 'our futre exists all around us' even as we are living each day. Dr. Pillai says that for  those who are more attuned to energies and open to spiritual evolution, they will be their first to feel a wave of light Coming from Another part of the galaxy on December 10th, 2016! It is to Help Humanity. Now back to that bit about Trump being a Pharoah, Dr. Pillai said that was the case. And that Trump also had other kinds of experiences that informed this life, some of the 'occult'. Well, he didn't give details there, but said 'his past lives is why Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.'

Maybe he meant gold, but the information from John Titor on the Linda Moulton Howe show also said Trump may be able to help stave off a nuclear attack from Iran in Jan 2018. Let's hope there's a reason and way,even if Trump doesn't know yet, that he is now positioned to be instrumental in doing US-All a world of good, starting with preventing such a horrendous fate for DC, Paris, London and Tel Aviv (that's all part of what John Titor shares at great risk to himself..but he said if it happens, we'll all suffer a nuclear winter and food shortages so that by 2050 it would be 'hell on earth'.

Okay, so even though that's miserable to ponder At Least Someone is Trying to Warn US-All and Get us to Think. Dannion Brinkley invited people today to get to his siite if I have that right. He warns of a Vaccine that will be required of everyone in a year in the country. If not getting it, one will be deemed a threat, so he says to learn sooner rather than later that 'there is no death, if we die we choose to come back (and of course, Why Not Get one's Paper's in order, with DNRs or other scenarios if one doens't want to come back from the brink if pain and major loss of functioning would be the result?)

There should be more clear discussions about the religious or philosophical theories underlying why some may choose one way versus another to respond to options for organ donation, being brought back to life, in vitro fertilzation and pregnancies, sperm and egg donation. Basically Dr. Pillai says a person inherits not only the biology but the thoughts and "soul genetics' from one's parents and lineage. In India they have ways to clear such soul connections, and Dr. Pillai has youtube videos and suggests meditation and chanting.

Okay, that's plenty for now, let's learn how we can make the best of the situations we are in, with many options from various traditions. More people may be wililng to meet each other part way in silence and uplifting fair options than in regular protests and lack of dialogue... and let's hope the wave of support and light on December 10th, 2016 finds more ready to receive it than expected. Peace and light in advance...and 'I am just the messenger' at this point. I have to think about a lot of these things.

Dr. Pillai also said our loved ones, especially parents and such who have crossed over come visit us in our thoughts and such on the new moon of every month. Very that's one more 'reason' to remember and consider their influence. I also discovered Mark Anthony's online info and his many interviews, each quite amazing about 'the afterlife' and how we can have Evidence of Eternity and in regard to the love for our loved ones in spirit, Never Letting Go, is an option too. Those are the names of his books. Turns out, Dr. Pillai shared, that the former US Presidents when in spirit 'still hang out at the White House." So hopefully they'll inspire and coach sir Donald in his dreams if not in his waking life.. Let's hope Abe, Thomas J, and George Washington can inform him accordingly. 

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