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A Moment of Silence for Those Crossing Over, Hugs Around the World Not Only of Sorrow But of Hope!

on Tue, 11/29/2016 - 13:42

 Every season brings its own natural joys while the sorrow of having to say 'so long for now, that too often feels like a final goodbye' can make any day seem like an event of poor design, of injustice and great sorrow. Such is the case today when hearing of the loss of a soccer team in Medellin, Colombia in South America with a total of 76 heading to heaven rather than to their dream event of ascending to great ranks in the soccer world.

They had defeated two tough teams from Argentina and were flying 300 miles from their home turf since their stadium was deemed 'too small' even at 22,000 seats for such an event. That sets the stage and one has to wonder about foul play in the air in this day and age. The electrical system of one of the 400 planes built in 2003 which was being chartered to carry the team, journalists and others may have malfunctioned around 10pm Colombian time.If there is something to the theory that loved ones greet each person arriving in heaven, I hope that is certainly the case for these folks. Likely plenty of family members and fans knew many on the team.

That is the point of being on team, being family and caring about each other on and off the field, when in need or when one's earth plane game time is up. I felt my son Kaelan who loved soccer as a kid and got to play his first year in high school a bit before hurting his ankle enought that he had to 'sit most of the season out' got to view the bigger games I would see on TV from his spirit realm, which he entered on his last day of freshman year at Housatonic Valley Regional High School in Falls Village Ct. Kaelan passed when trying to save a friend from dangerous waters.

His teen friend was rescued after Kaelan likely pushed him to safer water which bought his buddy a precious few moments.  On June 16th, 2009 ,a heroic rope rescuer named Skip Kosciusko, bent protocol and using tree climbing ropes he used in his profession to reach the lad about 50 feet below at the edge of fierce waterfall force waters that knocked them both around like soccer balls being headed and almost costing them their lives.

By then Kaelan's wonderful 16 -year-old fit and talented body was trapped under swirling water while we trust his soul soared above, making us all reflect on the many gifts but also the risks that face any of us whether doing the extreme challenges or simply going through our days when driving cars, walking across busy streets or keeping track of our health and safety in many ways. What might we have 'signed up for in this life time, even in terms of how we may have health or relationship challenges, hobbies or pursuits that factor into our demise or final moments? Some say we are not only genetic print-outs from our ancestral lineage with coaching from those who rear us, but mentally and emotionally, yes even spiritually we may be 'carrying their thoughts or have agreed to work off a team members--family, friend's, group's-- karma. There could be Many Games being played at the same time, with few referees or coaches at the early points in the programs of someone's downward spiral Whether self-harm or neglect of others in one's care (kids, elders, pregnant women or new parents, etc). We all need to find ways to 'lend a hand while still on land.' Sometimes when the bigger tragedies strike more people think outloud and try to ask the bigger questions, even some What Ifs, which could prove valuable in preventing other such tragedies. Maybe the plane was on Ran Out of Gas five miles shy of where it was to land. How many people should be in charge of Checking that a Few Times, not just once or from a dial that may not be functioning properly (ever heard of stuck gas gauge?) Once a toxic tank of materials was being approved as not holding too much, even though more was being added.

Finally someone realized there was a big leak so the ground was highly contaminated! I heard that at the WPI graduation post event (by those students protesting the head of Exxon being the graduation speaker and promoting awareness of and bringing their own speaker and folk singers to an audience of 50 or so which was also covered online and on the news.) With election and political 'madness' in a sense being the new norm in the United States and most of the developed world, learning to 'not have too much faith in any one institution or set of leaders' is just becoming common sense. People forming their own teams of support for housing, childcare, transportation, sharing basic chores and needs for staying warm or getting some basic work done hopefully will become more popular.

Ways to do that are explored on permaculture sites and many other online and small group outreaches. Seeing Disclosure by Steven Greer would be a healing helpful  way to look at the bigger needs and game being played whether we wanted to know or not. We are all on plan-it earth and so are 'in the game of life which the word 'IF" in the middle of indicates we have options and maybe need to remembed we don't know everything.

Hopefully we know enough to play the game well and with a sense of courage, hope and care to see ourselves and circles of friends and neighbors through with dignity and support. Lighting a candle in our hearts and minds while reflecting on the souls coming onto the team and those heading off to the next realm is something we can do as we awake, at midday and again at night on one day or more as we may be moved. Hugs all around to you and yours as you journey on with a stronger sense of team and the good new angels in the sky by your side. High five too from our loving spirit of a son Kaelan too and his many buddies in heaven from this lifetime and maybe others.

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