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When Thinking About Health Care and Wellness, Think Prevent Corruption and Crime (huh? Yeah, Wrong doing is Big Business)

on Sat, 01/14/2017 - 22:53

For over thirty years I have heard from experts online and in person that we do nothing to Prevent Diabetes, Obesity (not to mention don't research Lipodema, particularly for women who gain weight on their hips, etc.. as other countries do), heart problems or cancer...

Our medical systems is based on 'addressing symptoms not causes'. The list goes on and on...see some inspiration on to help new folks with healing paths (professions, etc) or others promoting wellness.

Not that folks don't have their ups and downs and family and community patterns to learn about and address...that's maybe part of our bigger journey and one of improvement not 'circling the drain'.

Alcoholism and other drug addictions need to be identified in families and groups to help people understand their increased risk for poor health and view matters medically and ethically not as a character weakness etc.

A buddy system with each one helping another (or a few helping a dozen, etc to support the pairs of buddies...Not based on romance etc...too often that can factor in a large part of people's poor prognosis for good health.)

More on the blog posts about healthy vs unhealthy (and unsafe, illegal and miserable if not deadly) relationships including 'mating, dating, marital, parental, familial or bystander to said unsafe situation)...see Catherine Sloper posts too for the craziness in the courts exposition (or Center for Judicial Excellence.)

The Wake-Up Call we've needed for exposing FUNdamental FLAWS is happening as more people are realizing their security blanket has a few holes in it...that's been the case for abused victims for decades.

Much abuse (mainly of women and kids, but yes men too mostly at the hands of a small percentage of men...) has only been identified and deemed criminal in the past few decades..and not acted upon by corrupt or ignorant sections of our society.

So in terms of 'getting people in charge to Know and Follow Through with Safety and Good Sense...Good Luck to US-All...there's not much money it or compulsion to 'do the right thing." At least knowing That can help one not double their confusion and grief when pummeled (often mercilessly and to the point of being broke financially if not otherwise for many years) by Many Parts of a Society that Should be Caring and Helpful.

OKay so that's a basic summary many know but likely plenty of nice (younger) folks are clueless hope things get better soon...

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