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Onto 2018 with Progress, Courage and Good Health! A Potpourri of Ideas for Everybuddy!

on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 04:47
To a Special Group of Folks, End of Life Doulas...and Everybody Else: I want to take a moment to officially wish everyone a peaceful and enjoyable holiday and solstice season leading into the new year.(PS I got carried away with listing lots of ideas for healing and programs, so skim as you have time...or not. No worries)...I am not a medical or legal professional and these are my own opinions and things I have explored that I am sharing.
I wanted to share the ideas I've heard online from who is offering a special " The Collective" group for women entrepreneurs who help people (for $200/monthly if one joins before the new year when the price goes up to 300/monthly.)
There are other bonuses for signing up now if its a good fit for your goals (and budget I'll add as a reminder to myself. Maybe getting sponsors for a month or two would work out if you have those kinds of folks in your network and community. "Give to get" is an idea I heard from Coursera's Social Media Marketing as well as many other social and business minded folks, so think of what you could offer someone or who may want to support your endeavors. I am hoping to do some of that myself and am open ideas. Those can be sent to Thanks a Bundle for Dreaming Out Loud about Ways to Enrich Your Life and Others, Your Circles and Wider Community!
I have gone to a few programs with Patty, first because I won a ticket to a fancy "Mom Grows A Business Event". That win came for a Girls Night Out in Danbury CT a few years ago through a Macaroni Kid raffle..thanks "Mac!"
The winner couldn't go so last minute I got the invite to the event which was held in White Plains NY. Getting there from the NW corner on Metro North was a big adventure for me. A friend kindly gave me a lift to the train at 6am and that took him about two hours of his day! Sometimes the angels show up 1-2-3!
Patty Lennon has also written a book called Crowdfunding (which I have somewhere..and got at that event along with a $100 ticket to her next event which was for a day with her and about 30 women in CT. She often gives a great set of online mini programs for free as well.
Hope this is helpful and I can share a few tips as I brave this adventure. I think it will enhance the business and life balance aspects of doing EOL Doula work (as well as other community networking which I hope to do more of now that I am settled in Brooklyn NY.)
I did hear CT is allowing family members to be paid to care for a member in need of healthcare help (as they do in NY and MA.) Promoting everyone knowing basic home health aide skills, ADLs etc, likely would be a good way to bridge people's skills and mindset to being able to care for people.
I was also looking at the Grace Lever program (which closes at midnight) and she has a good talk about her offerings and ideas, focusing on one main new project for one's business and using FB Ads effectively.
Funds are tight so likely that one will have to wait til next year. Lastly, The Berkshire Women Writers group offers good online programs (Jennifer Browdy) along with some coaching options (to write a memoire, etc.)
There will be an early January 2018 workshop with Geozuwa who is usually in Florida (just google for info). The two day program can be helpful to anyone to develop a more positive mindset and possibly improve one's health (consider the placebo effect and the idea of mind over what is in your mind really does matter he shares.) The program is being offered in NYC (and he has CDs on that for sale as well.)
His book The Other Side describes his life story and abilities. I met him at the New Life Expo as I did Master Qi Feilong. I saw him in Queens and read his book Flying Dragon of the Divine which is almost unbelievable (covering his challenging childhood and years of training in many forms of qi gong and with monks of a few traditions.)
If someone had a serious illness it might be a helpful resource or even worth preventing one. I have heard from about the good ol' belly headquarters for health and vitality the Chinese medicine folks promote. I have seen a good to massage the belly button with a thumb flat and pressing down on that and the area close to the navel slowly in a circular fashion from the left side then down, then right and top, etc. That can help with promoting a healthy bowel function and overall health.
One herbalist acupuncturist explained to me that many people can have 'dry stool' in their system which ideally would be addressed with herbs, massage and so on. Kidney energy and so on is also assessed as it is related to many other 'symptoms'.
Not overworking the kidneys by not drinking too much water is important. Being aware of ways to 'stay healthy and monitor one's diet, amounts and track blood pressure, blood sugars and lots more would be a helpful hobby along with 30 minutes of exercise daily even if 3 ten minute sessions etc. is an online medical support service that more caregivers and clients could share their medical health info with to get insights and have someone able to write prescriptions I believe.
I have found it helpful in getting through colds, stomach bugs, tick bites and so on..and even addressing concerns about blood pressure and so on. They will look at info scanned into an online document and so on.
I realize within the medical circles, some variation about when diabetes is identified ( A1Cs of 6.5 or even up to 7.0) or pre-diabetes etc vary as well. Much of that is not common knowledge and worth checking with one's doctor to see what measures they are using.
Making those Self-check in times as well, to focus, breathe and encourage oneself. Okay likely everyone is on all of that, but another free online service to track fitness and diet is on Thanks for letting me share and hope this is helpful and not Way too much. My apologies if that's the case...Have a great 2000 Eight-teen!
Lastly, see Linda Moulton Howe for current reviews of news that the NY Times and other papers are saying the Defense Dept is 'disclosing' info about UFO research, etc.
I have learned of many ideas along these lines in the past year which have impacted my world view (and I cover plenty on to save people time yet be aware of the theories from Steven Greer and also from Canada, and about 9-11 etc which cost the Iraqi people a great amount of loss of life.
Overall, I think EOLDs (End of Life Doulas, who I was writing to initially) as well as Everybody Else could have a summary of the kinds of loss people are experiencing, in terms of unexpected loss, sickness, violent passings, accidents and larger groups of people dying and having an idea of which resources might be available to help them.
Providing grief support for anyone would be another key area to have the public be aware of and feel there's some 'game plan' whether there are natural storms or challenges, injuries, declines, death and aftermath situations.
Many healing ideas about the bigger universe and realms of 'energy and healing for our spirits if not our physical bodies' are on youtube and shared around the world. Hope that can help lighten our journeys.

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