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Curious About What's What With Personality Disorders and Mental Imbalance?

on Fri, 04/03/2020 - 13:00 Learning about personalities and behaviors may be more important now since people are living in close quarters...What are some patterns over one's lifetime? What is one's internal experience...and impression on others? Is it safe or reasonable to ask others or might some people have distorted views and other agendas to maintain and 'have clouded filters?'

Consider seeing The Enneagram (online info and The Wisdom of the Enneagram book.) Can empathy be taught? That's explored in the last 20 min of the talk with a few professionals. Is violent psychopathy treatable?

They explore that at the very end too, but from what many experts about abusive, controlling people, there's a huge risk of 'backlash' even if people go to regular programs for a couple of years and seem to be sincere and want to be accountable...There are no guarantees someone won't 'fall off the wagon.'

There are many other conditions to get more information shared in the public realm...such as through NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness and then more about abuse from and Safe & Together Institute. In family or home or social settings is where the 'rubber meets the road' and where power plays, conflicts and more are important to assess, monitor and likely Steer Clear Of with safe boundary strategies and ideally people and places to access if not stay at for a while or longer especially if there are children  (and/ or pets) involved.

Personality disorders ( a maladaptive, consistent pattern that cuts across many aspects of their life experience and relationships)... "Mad, Bad and Sad"   (code for cluster patterns, A (Mad), B (Bad) , C (Sad) disorders)

Here's another talk on the narcissistic personality --antisocial (can be dangerous,psychopathic or sociopathic, break moral, legal and societal codes, deceitful,  take risks that put others in danger, lacks remorse for wrongdoing or harm but may fake it), borderline, histrionic,and narcissistic (often don't feel one needs help, may lack empathy and many other fair-minded behaviors'-- and can be a problem alongside bipolar, drug use and more.  Lacking empathy, cannot regulate emotions readily, dramatic and erratic...That can be a challenge for the person and those they live with them or try to help them.