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Looking at this time of late June from over the past 5-6 years..

on Sun, 06/21/2020 - 17:18

 From 5 years ago on FB: Had a good post about remembering Michael Jackson and his passing a week after Kaelan. A note I've shared before is that Kaelan told psychic Patti Sinclair that "Michael Jackson was coming over soon'...which Patti told me a few months later during a special time with other moms she gave messages to also about their own children who'd headed to heaven as well.. not an easy thing to have in common but makes it real.

The way I found out about the gathering seemed one special note and good connection after another with my request for a partial visit and reduced fee granted all within a couple of days allowing me to meet Patti in person a few months after she'd gotten messages from Kaelan for a friend who she saw needed support.

More recently that person shared that Kaelan told her that he pushed his friend to safer water and he got taken into the more dangerous water.

To what extent he realized what he was doing, if this is indeed what transpired, really is something to reflect upon.

It's one thing to venture into a dangerous situation due to adrenaline and wanting to help a friend urgently when there's no time to thing too long about options or strategies (and no others blocking or talking one out of it which let's face it really may have been the most appropriate thing to do in terms of not complicating the situation and hopefully, his friend who said he also went under when Kaelan reached him, would have popped up anyway.

From 6 yrs ago also which had a picture of slaves too seeking freedom....

Many a person in more recent and current times would love to write such a letter to people who had control over their lives, finances, children and more..were it SAFE and LEGAL to do so. Basically, "no woman is guaranteed safety in America today, much like slaves of the past'. Not knowing this is worse than the dismal reality of the broken legal system which condones abuse in divorce and child custody cases for fathers and punishes protective mothers for TRYING to let people know the Truth.

She will typically be labelled as 'having cognitive distortions', 'being unstable and recommended to be put in a mental institution if she has 'symptoms' that cause concern' and other 'general unspecified symptoms" or 'alienating patterns of turning the children against the abusive and controlling father' by trying to inform them of the syndrome (or sin-drome not unlike drones which attack from on high and without warning.)

Abuse like Slavery, does not happen in a Vacuum..and more YOUNG people need to accept that their elders were not informed about abuse, laws, believing victims and women or doing anything to help protect said women and kids...and yes, sometimes it's a man whose being mistreated, but that is a smaller statistical reality and no where near the 1000 moms done in or the other 1000 women whose lives are ended annually, along with 200 kids by you guessed it, abusive men.

Time for MEN to pay attention to this 'male violence against women' issue, society and widespread problem which gives their gender a bad rap and cannot give women the assurance they need to make Legal Commitments.

.Pre-nups and parenting plans for ALL couples and parents should be drawn up for the nation as an viable OPTION to HELP educate and protect ALL people and help Break the Patterns which perpetuate the dis-ease and violence as well as fatalities..This is Bleak News, but as timely as the historical piece..'when will we ever learn, when will we ever TRY to learn?" How about NOW?!


From 6 years ago:Good times drumming at the annual Sharon Triatholon which drew a nice group of swimmers, bikers and runners (a few teams and many soloing, God Bless them all)..A great way to kick off the summer season on this 1st day of summer, the solstice..and then got to see Les Mis at the Sharon Playhouse where many a taboo topic was explored in plain, war, lust and and for thought for people of our times as well.

Let's learn and not repeat the errors of rigid systems and pressuring the poor or presuming those in control will use their power for the good of all...generally people make decisions that contnually benefit themselves directly. Maybe we can try something 'new and better' to prevent problems from escalating. Volunteers still needed at the Playhouse and also for a good woman friend whose in a wheelchair--care for here and some outside work too so message me if you have a few hours or more to give monthly or more. A little help can go a long way..and some paid short shifts too, so message me if interested for even the fall if busy now, thanks.

If his friend were actually saved by Kaelan intentionally or by chance pushing him toward safer water while he himself perished...that is extremely unusual and amazingly brave beyond what anyone should have to endeavor or 'choose' or feel beholden to do.

I have read enough spiritual ideas that maybe that was a hugely courageous 'choice' made even before Kaelan incarnated..that he would go out doing a very heroic thing (even if going to the river alone was against my explicit direction and agreement that I had with him and a few other key parents who told me they would uphold that..but actually for the sake of celebrating the end of school let the regular rules down a lot.

Even concerned parents did not think to call me, a family member whose well known and available to stop in easily or the school or the police or fire dept who they also know well.. .

but Again, I share this for the sake of setting a new standard and set of guidelines.It is difficult to be a 'lone voice in the midst of a lot difficulty trying to comprehend how to really prevent more problems across the board and in dire times of conflict.'

Not so fun but again, necessary even in big cities where it seems even there a few advocates surface and really have to fight city hall... okay, time to get some z's.. peace and easy doze it..