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A Post from A Vassar FB talk about Gender Neutral Bathrooms led to More Bathroom (or Commode or Pee Pot Talk)

on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 15:49
Maybe the options for taking care of bodily functions could include allowing a commode in every room...and taking the 'outputs' to a lav on the hall and possibly recycling contents to give back to the earth what came from the earth. (I cover a lot of ground in this so skim or return later..but also check out Pfhilates such as offered by Sharon True (in Western MA) and others who teach pelvic floor muscle exercise, especially helpful after pregnancy and as one ages..for men and women...)
Vassar already has a recycling center and while that sounds 'wild' it's a natural nice solution..and yes, sanitary measures could be put in place and I'm sure followed.
Maybe even some kiddie swimming pools (they come in large sizes) could be filled to allow for some outdoor bathing experiences too...just thinking about sustainability and personal preferences.
A commode in every home (guest rooms, for elders, for night time trips to a bathroom, for pregnant moms and new parents etc and kiddos smaller size or even nice garbage pails suitable for the cause) may be part of a worldwide revolution...
Even private public booths for people to use their own recycled large yogurt containers and carry them in a secure bag etc to be emptied at the next facility if not one right near the private booth area could transform our world to be more user friendly.
Portable private places could be put on subways and trains etc so no one would be in a pinch or more people coached to wear Depends etc when travelling in case a train or other situation (stuck in an elevator...) arises.
Having such an item handy in one's back pack or thereabouts makes sense for many reasons..along with the yogurt container and loose jacket or sweatshirt that can serve as a shield...a whole new industry of Poop and Pee Management will be a a multi-million dollar industry and save a lot of water with needless flushing (for every time one goes..._)
Why not make each flush Count Big Time (not to clog but again just to think of the practical use of energy and resources...and consider gray water systems... I'll put this on my blog to help spread the word and promote commode and happy bucket use. By the way, see the book called Bucket Filler (or thereabouts) about being nice to others to help them also be nice to you and others..and themselves...
That's a bonus for reading through and hopefully helping kids and others plan to use the potty before leaving the home without pressuring them but helping them be aware they can help themselves in that way, especially if in a city or without many options for stopping as nature calls..