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One of hundreds of requests to people to help a couple having problems...feel free to use to encourage others to prevent downward spirals of difficulty and danger

on Mon, 06/14/2021 - 15:30

To a friend of a friend (or someone closer in one's circles...Maybe even oneself)

And if you're
> thinking about prayer, that'd be a help for two people, with one pursuing a contentious

divorce when they need help with addiction and control..

That person is divorcing the other again (after a six month action the prior year which was withdrawn.)

More mandates for the sober safe person and parent were put in place for  by abusive one to comply with. Even doing so,

the abusive one decided to take advantage of a difficult time in the safe person's life and pursue an action full-tilt, wanting
> the kids and so Friend of theirs, try to consider the very
> few people who feel they can speak at all to that difficult person

who is wanting all things on their own terms in a divorce or custody matter.
..No one will promote that the person (or both thought one pursues many resources and counselors etc)

to get support  (even a physical, drug test and mental health eval) to
look at their possible issues which are likely
> underlying all of this turmoil...some friends give
> him money, as the spouse did to put out short term problems.

Some hope it'll just go
> away, that was the spouse's hope too...Eventually real friends
> say, hey, why not see what the issues really are,
> why not gather our hearts and minds and sort thru
> some stuff, even if it takes a few weeks (months or
> years).

Most people in AA do not still use, but they
> tend the fires, they work the steps, they seek
> guidance and support when facing challenges...If
> they can do it, why can't we help these folks do so?
> Please just hold onto this thought for a bit...Each
> generation learns from those in the past and ideally
> takes in new knowledge...Too often though most are
> afraid to see any  problems and get basic help...No
> quick easy, answers, but lots of kudos to those who
> try...and often they are real lifesavers for all
> willing...Peace.