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Bright Ideas from 2018 for the Tri-Corner. MA//NY CT Area...(NWCT focus this round...)

on Tue, 08/10/2021 - 00:22
I'd love to see a group of folks from near and far turn their attention to helping their local schools and maybe the one in the next town or state over. We have dwindling populations currently in the tri-corner areas, particularly in Falls Village and Cornwall CT.
These are gems of little towns. The cost of living, lack of community networking to assist people long term with trying out country living (rides and ways to learn to drive and car pool are important as is having sources of income whether sponsors, non-profits run programs --such as churches and Audubon and use the Appalachian Trail to let people camp legally, again with support to get their foot in the area.
Maybe churches could allow people to camp near them if not in them! Silver Lake Conference Center and actually all of the schools could be tapped to host groups of people, maybe some all summer.
That way more revenue would be brought in (again from sponsors or even as a way for the town to pay people to come stay and check things out, maybe barter skills and share their talents.) Permaculture offers new ways of thinking about 'problems'. One idea is to think of how the Solution to one problem may be embedded in said problem or another.
If a town needs more people, the solution may be to get more people to come to town and stay, shop or visit, work or give support to from afar or through sponsors. With a regional high school serving six towns such as Housatonic Valley Regional does, each with its own public elementary/junior high programs and most with private daycares (which get some public support) and many churches and lots of natural areas, parks, a nature center and so on, more networking could happen in each small town to help students succeed at each grade level.
A regional program for parents, teachers and others who want to help 1st -3rd graders, 4-6th,, and 7-9th and 10th-12 graders would be a big plus for instance. Same for those who would help with expectant parents and young children through age 7. Some crossover of care and outreach would be good for those needing to stay with a group for instance.
Each group could help invite more people to the area, focus on skills youth need to succeed in school and life and fundraise or do outreach to communicate their progress.
Every town with businesses and resources such as farms or places to gather or share info could offer some way for groups to connect. High schoolers could hopefully earn credits if not dollars for being accountable for their time in programs after school and on weekends to help them succeed. Even having host families who live closer to the high school could enrich the social and world scene for youth.
Clear agreements and short weekends or after school terms could be explored. Camping and day trips to places within reason could also be factored in to help students appreciate their wider economies and cultural resources.
Socially also people could intentionally become pen pals (okay FB Buds) and network along similar interests but also have some cross over of ages, interests and more. I shared the idea of sister towns in the NW corner, such as Falls Village and Canaan, Sharon and Salisbury, Cornwall and Kent.
Then in Threes, FV/Canaan/Sharon and Salisbury/Cornwall and Kent. Getting to know people in methodical ways, which towns, which ages their kids are, what parents do and other adults who want to work together are interested in or want to share can help.
Cornwall had a resident resource list for their school to tap for speakers and so on about travel and interests. Many people likely would be interested in getting to know a few more people and have shared experiences. We need to celebrate our local resources and also look to the other towns and neighboring states and build alliances.
The NECC in Millerton NY is a great example of that. Maybe the recreation programs in the towns could serve all ages and look to do some of these suggestions along with PTOs or other parent groups, per grade or otherwise, scouts, libraries and faith groups etc.
Of course more attention to what they are learning and how could be done. If students and parents want grades, ideally a way to provide that would be set up fairly easily with some online tests and other projects that could be assessed clearly.
Currently there is a fair amount of contention over having a proficiency kind of testing that is not based on grades.
I will have to review the list of cons about the grading and the way it was implemented (too much, too soon, without clear guidance for teachers and students nor parents..) Okay time to think more Summer thoughts before the School Train pulls out of the station.
Maybe it's time to set up a Camp Housy and go over how the natives lived in this area, basic PC ideas, ways to plan for success and safety on all levels this school year. There is a sweat lodge being held an hour or so away in NY that would be a great thing for 1-2 adults and a few kids of various ages from each town to attend to create a positive sense of connection with that group and then share it with our area.
The ideas from VT Wilderness School are also cool to tap into. Let me know if there's interest, email and of course setting up a local set of day hikes and gatherings, maybe a camp out and so on would be cool too for summer and even into the fall. Check out programs offered for free at Vassar College and some for pay at BCC in Great Barrington MA or locally at the adult ed in Falls Village CT too to get inspired. Toastmasters speaking club is worth joining even if you can only get to a meeting now and then.
That's a one time 30 dollar investment then you can learn more online about the program and visit clubs! There's a dynamo one in Great Barrington MA on Tuesdays from noon-1:15pm which I encourage all educators, parents, students and adults to attend at least once and ideally a few more times to see the magic of a planned respectful meeting among friendly people (even if some topics are dicey or very personal but there are some basic guidelines.)
More voluntary clubs could be started following the techniques but not needing to register or call it an official club. All students would be ahead in life for checking it out.
Kids are extra smart these days and ready to talk..Let's listen before it's too late (which for many, including our late teen son Kaelan is the case, but learn more about his final day on earth and the wider backstory on Remembering Kaelan...and feel free to speak up about concerns raises and what a valiant person he was. Students Helping Students is an outreach I hope to put in motion soon too!