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Let's Grow Teams of Support, Gardens, Permaculture and Job, Housing and Rides Networks!

on Fri, 02/11/2022 - 16:58

We are finding there are big common shared problems but not many ways to address those when it comes to finding housing, rides, work, school and learning support, training and assitance with filling out forms (of all kinds, renewals and online.) We learn as we can with those in our circles and some community tips but we can and need to do better!

In permaculture, the idea is shared that "the problem is the solution" can be a helpful principle to help people brainstorm and ask questions about the solution or direction one needs to go in to find a use for excess or lack, certain skills or concerns to be noted. Maybe there is a solution embedded in the problem. (Kind of fun to keep the gardening ideas in mind as thinking through things as systems working with nature, using the sun as in daylight and warmth and other factors that come f'or free (fresh snow, ice or rain to turn into water for houseplants--untreated and such can really help a friend suggests so easy enough to fill some buckets from outdoors and store them near where they are needed or transfer into smaller containers.) Okay so see more ideas about Design Process on The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game. It'd be great if each town, school and class could review that and dream up a garden of their own to enrich their area or meet needs in their town or share the design process online while learning permaculture ethics (earth care, people care and resource share.) 

I'll add to this but hope to hear from more folks on my public FB page which is Catherine Palmer Paton or Livfully. Also I put an ad in the to get the word out in the MA/NY CT area next week about growing teams and gardens to ease the load, meet inputs and increase outputs! Adding more helpers and fillling out other parts of a situation to get the job done may make things a bit more complicated but creativity and connection can be key to getting things done! Best to all, Catherine Palmer Paton

PS See Letters I have written to The Lakeville Journal of CT also here on my blog and on their site, If you order a print copy you get the digital one for free, same with Millerton News. We should share more of those hard copies over the state line to learn more and network, same with The Berkshire Eagle of MA to see what's in Great Barringto MA so help things really get hoppin'.