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Grateful to Be Back Up and Running! Had some Tech issues and then some!

on Wed, 03/08/2023 - 21:33

March 8th, 2023, Thinking of Everyone who was born to a mother (or may be coming along...) on this International Women's Day! Still need to get more tech help but be back soon!gor

Okay so lots to catch up on. I did read from a friend that Florida just banned abortion after six weeks...I have written other posts on this difficult and delicate topic, but have come to understand that a woman's life is on the line more than most realize...with any pregnancy (and some known but plenty of not well-known problems that can come up. ) Hard as it is to think about, there are no guarantees with a pregnancy working out, even if a pregnant person wants things to go well, their may be a miscarriage.Whether planned or not, there can be a lot of 'ups and downs' emotionally for both birth parents or partners (if in vitro) as well, and energetically...the sky is the limit.

That said, there's a lot to ponder about the politics which was covered in a Mother Jones article (May 2022 I think) which said that a very few folks 'planned to orchestrate ways to limit abortion rights' from many years back in ways people thought would not hold water or come to pass. But the power and reasons for the chips to fall where they have are being backed by slim majorities and many women will be dying or having their health compromised even while many babies will be born and hopefully be able to have decent and even good homes whether kept or given to other family and friends to raise or adopt. The politics and back-door worries about that are also vast and need more people to want to learn and track what happens to every child.

The problems arise however even with more oversight which can end up taking children from parents for any reason or allegation (especially in a custody matter or even a medical matter.) More young people need to have a map of the possiblities to not be shocked and further traumatized if things unfold in their lives that they never imagined would be a possibility.

More communities could have secure back up teams, temporary and longer term options for caring for children and supporting their caring parents (generally their mothers but even their fathers or other family and friends, whether grandparents, relatives or school support people to bridge gaps.) Basically it needs to be a full court press of normal nice people and funds to secure each child's future, but also to advocate for women to have support in whether to keep a pregnancy or not or certainly to use protection or not be involved with someone to avoid pregnancy if that is not desired.

It's late now to keep thinking on this tonight, but hopefully every day we will pray and try to make sense of what has transpired in this country that is completely eliminating many basic rights for people regarding their physical (and yes, mental and other aspects of their health and well-being...) These are not easy topics but necessary to explore with care and a timely sense of practical understanding for what each person, especially females but males also are being asked and tasked to do. Carrying a pregnancy to term and rearing a child should be a shared endeavor with supportive family, friends and community...when it works for the parent/s from the earliest stages of making that decision or going forward with a pregnancy. Providing extensive support to help a parent who wants to have a child do so should have widespread availability to all, not hit or miss.

Thanks for each person taking time to go over matters with all of the young people in one's circles...and to help them early on in life find ways to share what they are hoping to do as well as gain basic life skills and create plans to pursue life goals without too much struggle and strain. See for help along the way and maybe more grants can be given to have municipal care teams and scholarships for daycare and homecare support for anyone in need, from childcare and parent support to caregivers and those needing care. Coaching and preventing burn out is important for all in the caregiving fields, parents included, especially of newborns.