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Feelin' fine in DC, VA and Florida:How are you today? A-maze-sing?

on Mon, 03/04/2013 - 16:04

 Somehow I landed on a trip to Washington DC where I joined 35-50K people for the Climate Change Rally on February 17th, 2013 with Bill McKibben from leading the call for President Obama to Nix the Pipeline from Canada which would pollute and destroy much of our environment in the US (and even in Canada as we learned from some lovely Native People of that northern neighbor).

See the coverage which can move one to tears as we realize 'we are on borrowed time' and we have a hYOUge (HUGE response-ability, but think of the HUG 50K gave each other on the Washington Mall as we stood and learned about the Cry-Sis that the Men and Corporations have promoted along with plenty of women once they got the vote. We really need to plan for 'the next seven generations' lest the earth may perish while we delay.

Tree-mend-US power and love was felt amongst the marchers as we rallied then proceeded in the streets to the White House where more chants for "Michelle Obama to tell her man, we don't want no pipeline plan".

And Asking, "President Obama, Whatcha gonna do? " and giving the clue to say "NO KXL" which stands for Keystone Pipeline, I'm pretty sure. But like I said at the start, I got caught up in this movement, many thanks to an amazing activist to keeps me tuned in via Occupy Wallstreet posts on their

Once in DC and inspired by young and old rallying for all their worth and knowing there are thousands, and hopefully Millions More Learning About this Crisis Online and following updates for petitions and letters to Congress, I felt like I was very fortunate to TUNE IN BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!

I then proceeded to help a small dear family whose battling the cancer crisis, with dire odds. So send your healing tips my way which I can pass on. And thanks to healing for Damian whose a wonderful, very smart, prayerful fellow. That was a special week for me in Virginia. Then it was off to Florida for a few weeks!

While my life is very low budget, my humble networks have helped me venture from my wee town in Connect-icut (almost the wee-est, as in second smallest). I had a nice tall African American man share his condolences for our state's school tragedy when he heard I was from CT. I thanked him, and felt that 'greater love' which since 9-11 is more readily expressed among all Americans as a possiblity.

I told a few close to me, some women from Brooklyn headed to Savannah and a single mom with her 2 teens (a son who liked to sing and a daughter who made the advanced gymnastics team) about Kaelan Paton's heroism and the lessons more parents and adults could take from that--to not give kids permission to do dangerous things and also for teens to report concerns early on. That family was from MN, where I also have family, and were headed along with the mom's 2 brothers to a Carnival Cruise out of Miami.

In Florida, I've been able to get to some inspiring church services, near the beach for extra bountiful blessings. I've seen a lot of smiling faces and have shared some of my concerns and hopes for churches ane communities to review what they are asking anyone entering into a legal contract of marriage or the realm of parenthood (or custody or divorce issues) to learn about in advance, Before signing on the dotted line.

Sadly, our family felt  another loss in CT of a 40 year old taking his own life, but thankfully not that of the woman he'd been in a relationship with (which she was ending recently, likely for good reasons). This overall dynamic man who was an RN and EMT had also had some previous losses of an infant son to SIDS and then his marriage ending. He'd had high paying jobs but that changed as well. He was spoken of by neighbors as a nice fellow often out walking his dog and social, yet known for his temper. I knew him from when he was about 10 living near where I lived. He was well-liked and went to good schools.

HIs service was attended by many in his large town, and the effects will likely be felt for years to come by those close to him. There were police trying to keep him from shooting himself, so likely with the Gun Control issues looming large the case will speak to many to be more careful with their own mental health and relationship issues , control and abuse issues as well as policy matters. One friend who knew him mainly as a Facebook friend said succinctly, "I wish he'd picked up the phone, not a gun." Many likely felt this way when seeing the 3-3-13 showing of the 60 Minutes segment on the high numbers of veterans kliinig themselves as explored through the story of a 27 year old named Clay (rather indicative of how the first human was formed according to the Bible which also was airing on Sundays  at 8 on the History Channel through March 2013)

The overall message is we MUST be willing to ask for help early on, with a growing team of support, and repeatedly as needed. Every day or hour can be a struggle for those with drug use, violence or control (or bad temper) issues as it can be for their victims--adults or children.

There are no 'easy answers', but there are MORE OPTIONS than in the past. Some wonder if there could have been a more gentle approach for this man who was distraught, yet knowing he had a gun and may have threatened the woman who was breaking up with him likely made that less of an option.

While each day has it's challenges, for most there are blessings to count as well. I have had time to exercise at a local fitness place, where again I share a few thoughts with those I meet, and often learn of what others have faced. I have met someone with four children whose been in the army and he's in his 20s. Another woman came back from Germany to be with her mother in Florida after serving.

That mom had some challenges, including a divorce yet is realizing at almost 60, it's time to focus on her health and keep things in balance in terms of volunteering in church or elsewhere. Others I have gotten to know better have shared stories of being beaten as a child, and seeing their mother beaten (and tried to intervene). He was treated as the black sheep of the family at times, even by his mother and siblings.

He's on in years now, having left home at about 16 to work as a laborer. He had some good breaks, marrying the woman he fell for who worked at the 5 and dime, then later coming into about  90K back in the 1960s when 'that was a lot of money'. He's been a trooper since his wife died about a decade ago, and cares for his one son with the help of his  other grown children and their families.

A lifetime of care and service which he shares humbly and with gratitude for all the good times he's had golfing, sharing his wealth at times, and bearing his own health challenges with grace. It's a special older person who will recount their reality and yet also share their lack of understanding for how some people could be so cruel. That is where I feel we can remind each other that people who are not acting right likely are not 'in their right minds'.

It can be a form of mental or even spiritual imbalance. It is not right or natural, but they likely are held hostage by that part of their personality, mind or spirit that was damaged early on or is 'misfiring neurotransmitters'. That's been a lifelong inquiry of mine, as well as many others. Being willing to share and acknowledge another's pain is a key part of the healing process. "Feeling is healing" for the most part, when it's done with support, as is shown in the movie Prince of Tides.

Finding new friends along life's journey is a bit easier when there are a lot of people within visiting distace. I've met some at a local Farmer's Market who are proud of all they grow, bake or make themselves. Then there are those just peopling some lovely shops and places to have a bite, or even braving a mega-store for good deals on frozen burgers (salmon, veggie, or turkey). Folks signing up for which could be an inspiration for later in the year if one finds themselves at dinner parties featuring meat or feeling one is low in iron. I know, green veggies like kale could do the trick, and I trust someday I'll be able to follow through with more good intentions.

The more good waves going by, the easier they are to catch. I've seen lots of folks enjoying the beaches, including the waves on surf boards, playing catch with their dynamic dogs, and joggers, bikers, skateboarders and rollerbladers each taking in the good sunshine and even breezier weather Florida (and really all states/ states of mind) have to offer.

I have had time to surf the web and take in the teachings from  www.TheSimplestWays,com and Nassim Haramein who explores the reality that 'nothing ever really touches another thing' but rather force fields interact. He also shows that contrary to physics as accepted, there is 'infinity within atoms' that is essentially vibrating energy. I hope I got the jist of that right, but again, it can give us pause to not let any one thought lock us into mindsets of depression (cognitive thinking, thoughts and beliefs can only go so far to explain or descibe our 'reality').

He also says we shouldn't feel too bad if the reality we are helping create doesn't go our way because everyone else is impacting realty too (and I imagine we are dealing with so much that was given to us by earlier generations and people in our lives and areas). Not to floor anyone with these thoughts which seem to be about the amount of sand on the beaches as much as what is going on at the beaches in Florida, but that's all part of the experience I wanted to share, or report if that sounds easier to some.

For now, I'll wrap this up. There's a lot more, such as keeping in touch with a few good phone pals thanks to unlimited long distance, and finding out a dear friend's mom had a near-death accident she miraculously survived. So lots of healing love and energy to Gigi too, in her 70s and having given oodles of care to hundreds over her lifetime. Let US-All find ways to help ourselves stay safe with positive thinking, envisioning safe travels, good people and friendly places finding us and vice-versa.

Thanks be to God if that works for folks too, or the greater good, the Big Love that's helping Everybuddy here on Pacha Mama (mother earth) and beyond with special love to and from those above.

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