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Up, Up and Way Away! Now at 2.3 G's and travelling at 2300 miles per hour and counting up to 17,5000 mi

on Sat, 05/30/2020 - 19:42

In just a few seconds there's going to be the main engine cut off... they have up to 6600 mph and 110KM. The SECO, Second Engine Cut Off will be in five minutes. They're heading up past NC all the way to Canada. Dragon Space X trajectory. Just taking a few notes from the television live airing. They are saying the astronauts are highly trained. Doug and Bob are cruising right along.

The term "Nominal" for trajectory means all is good in NASA terminology. We are few minutes away from the entry burn of a few engines.

Fundraising a Great Win-Win, See this Request ASAP on 5/20/20

on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 00:53 is a link to a special Ashokan Center (in NY) that has an awesome fundraising drive going on, especially up until 11:59 tonight on May 20th, 2020. Hope you can be part of their efforts and walloping success. Best of luck to all participating in helping non-profits. On with the drive!

Without Revision of Any Kind, A Copy of a Letter Sent Out From CT Senator Chris Murphy

on Fri, 05/15/2020 - 01:07

 The following is shared for everyone's convenience. Without Revision of Any Kind, A Copy of a Letter Sent Out From CT Senator Chris Murphy (No association with the blog


Below please find the Murphy office update on COVID-19. As always, if you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our Hartford or Washington, D.C. offices. 

Here's what you need to know today, May 13th

  • Today, Senator Murphy, Senator Baldwin of Wisconsin, and Representatives Jason Crow of Colorado, Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, Tim Ryan of Ohio and Katie Porter of California welcomed the news that
