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Sunday, Sept. 29th, 2109 CROP Walk in Falls Village CT--Join In or Donate As You Can. Also see The Berkshire Community Land Trust and Properties

on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 21:13

I shared this post on the Great Barrington Community Board of MA. There may be a new group starting due to some issues with that one. A person shared a site I looked into a bit,

Here are other thoughts as well..Good luck to all preparing for Hurricane Dorian in Florida and big thanks to all able to help others whether in the state or travelling from other states. Hunker down and stock up on supplies (first.)

Likely there are lists to doublecheck to have fresh water, food and canned goods, basic medicine and supplies handy (maybe even adult and child briefs if

Great Workshops for Non-Profits, Fall Festivals, Talks and Walks!

on Wed, 09/09/2015 - 16:53

Reading the Litchfield County Times in CT (at the cozy Sharon Hotchkiss Library which has an art opening on Sept 12th from 4-7pm), I learned of some exciting happenings and thought Just Once, I'll try to share them in case someone can catch wind of them and make good use of the resource now or in future times (sometimes an idea or dream seed needs to be planted, watered with other feelings and folks chiming in and even investing some money, rides, childcare, or clothes to make it to the date on hand).

First up was an online cool idea from the ever-hopeful and visionary Ralph Nader (who grew