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Kellogg School in Falls Village CT

Making an E-Book with Designrr...We'll see if it's as easy as they advertise. Could be a way to help many 'book maker' dreams come true for you and your tribe.

on Sat, 07/23/2016 - 22:07

My first experience with seeing my name in print in a newspaper for something I said was in second grade in our Kellogg student newspaper. When I got to Eighth grade I recalled that paper was put out by the older students, so I asked my teacher when we'd be doing that. She informed me there was no current publication but if I wanted to start one... Need she say more? I did the math of about 170 families versus many more students (maybe 250 but that's my guess).

This was back in the day of mimeograph, 1976  in a small town.

After UCONN Torrington CT closing, What Other Schools or Programs May Get Cut? How about More Prevention and Proactive Planning for All in Life?

on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 20:50
This is a summary from a post I put out there. Need to go soon but condolences to the UCONN Torrington Community. Hope the Waterbury and Winsted Options can allow you to stay in the area or pursue your education. For staff, that may be more challenging but again, I hope you can find ways to stay in the area or keep connected if you branch out. Read up locally in our state and community about state funds being cut from schools or other programs you care about.
The property taxes could be raised to help offset increases to keep programs in place people need.