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When a Kids' Lemonade Stand and Stoop Sale Doesn't Go Over Well With Some Folks in Brooklyn NY, Who Cares?

on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 01:09

There are forums where all sorts of issues can be discussed for parents and caregivers in an area. On one such online group that serves about 4K people, a conflict that occurred drew 25 responses, mainly supportive. In a nutshell, a mom and a pregnant friend had a stoop sale on a block that seemed user-friendly and was within the customs they had practiced earlier in life.

Their kids set up a small lemonade stand and most folks enjoyed stopping by the stand and stoop sale. But not everyone. Someone in the building whose lawn was being used complained from on high, and then in person.

When It's Hard to Disclose a Topic. Maybe it's best Not to do so to Authorities.. but Good to Get Support. A Mixed Messge? Kind of...

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 15:28

Tough topic to talk about or learn about..but worse for everyone if people are kept in the dark. Actually the idea of pressing charges as Senator Markey from NY and many others are seeking for adult survivors of sexual abuse as a minorĀ or disclosing is one that needs a lot more reflection to help victims heal and abusers not repeat.

Likely they were harmed as youth (maybe not even old enough to remember) or got warped by our culture even if not abused or from good families (for the most part.)

If they get prosecuted and imprisoned, they like many prisoners will be put through the mill and