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275th Cornwall Ct anniversary

More Musings About the Wonderfulness of the NW Corner of CT (mostly recapping Cornwall Coolness)

on Sat, 07/28/2018 - 03:57

I read about the memories a fellow had of the Egremont  MA Carnival from long ago..before liability and regulations made it less possible to proceed...

That got me thinking back on the many years of Falls Village Carnival fun we had as kids (and kept checking in on as adults too, with fewer firetruck rides, but plenty of good memories to review and renew...)

 This post is about a 'Cornwall Story' which was recorded as part of their 275th celebration, which included a play at the Town Hall by the Grumbling Gryphons (with great clips on youtube and a summer camp that runs in early August) ,

"Cornwall 275th Anniversary Interview With Catherine Palmer Paton"

on Sat, 07/28/2018 - 00:46 is the link

to an interview transcript from July 2017. I was attending the rather

elaborate festivities in this small town 

not far from where I lived as a gal (with one of my best buddies

from my freshman year hailing from the town. While we compete

d in sports for a few years and had joined forces

for swim teams and a choral group as Falls Village and Cornwall

school kids, we really bonded during our soccer and track

experiences at Housatonic Valley Regional High School

back in the late 1970s...Those were some special times,