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Elizabeth Warren for POTUS2020

Let's Do the Math for our Plan-It Earth: 2030-2020=10 Years to Get Ourselves in Gear!

on Tue, 09/24/2019 - 02:26

2 Thanks to all getting in the groove to turn our earthship around to a more sustainable way of living on said ship. Marianne Williamson has dynamic ways to address key issues. More leaders worth their salt are chiming in. We need competent clear actions in place as soon as possible. Thanks to joining in as you can with larger social media outreach, many initiatives such as Climate Strike 2020 (which kicked off on 9/20/19) and more online, such as

Thanks to all who've been leading the way and "living simply so others may simply live" as a bumper sticker from the 1980s if not before

Over 4000 Americans Died in 2019 by June 6th ( 1944 D-Day 75th Anniversary):A Set of Reflections

on Tue, 06/11/2019 - 16:02

An article from the Washington Post read: More people were killed by March 6th this year than died on D-Day

A friend posted this news of how over 4K deaths occur from guns by June 6th, D-Day, in America. She then asked 'what are we going to do about it?" I put the following down yet also learned that the majority of deaths are due to suicide. Of those I wonder how many are terminally ill or very old feeling that they don't want to decline. (Note: I share many reflections on an array of topics as they came to mind, so pace yourself and read over the course of a couple of days maybe.