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Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

A Post from A Vassar FB talk about Gender Neutral Bathrooms led to More Bathroom (or Commode or Pee Pot Talk)

on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 15:49
Maybe the options for taking care of bodily functions could include allowing a commode in every room...and taking the 'outputs' to a lav on the hall and possibly recycling contents to give back to the earth what came from the earth. (I cover a lot of ground in this so skim or return later..but also check out Pfhilates such as offered by Sharon True (in Western MA) and others who teach pelvic floor muscle exercise, especially helpful after pregnancy and as one ages..for men and women...)
Vassar already has a recycling center and while that sounds 'wild' it's a natural nice solution..and