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Kudos to Kids Picking Up Trash and Doing the Right Thing, and the Brave Deeds (sometimes at the ultimate a tough call, kind of)

on Thu, 03/28/2019 - 04:16
Very cool to learn of the senior class at Housatonic Valley Regional High School of Falls Village CT was spending time cleaning up rural roads in the northwest corner of CT. I know other schools and groups do this as well, public and private. That is the school I attended locally as did my former husband and our four children (at least a year each.) Many other relatives and friends also happily found friends and good schooling and experiences at the high school.

Advocating for A Thoughtful Care Plan for All 101

on Wed, 03/27/2019 - 16:15
 To the Editor (and all leaders in our country, states and communities): 
On the heels of a tragic loss of a family of five to apparent murder-suicide in MA,  the need to know more about mental health and safety in relationships of all kinds is clear if not dire. Unfortunately not all forms of abuse are obvious to outsiders and maybe not even to the adult or child victims themselves.
We need to try to consider what we may be missing and ways to advocate for more screenings and gentle or direct interventions for victims of any kind of abuse whatever their age or ability to self-advocate. 

When People Leave With Sadness and Apparently 'At Their Own Hand", Let's Take a Moment and Reflect..and Care

on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 18:15

Difficult news in CT and FL, apparent suicides of people who had lost friends or family in shooting event in the past. Sincere condolences to the families, friends and the spirits of those who have crossed over in a difficult manner. This response is offered to reflect on this kind of situation in general and is not in any way trying to minimize the heartache and difficulty the families, friends and even fellow national and worldwide citizens feel when learning of such tragedies.

 Maybe reasons such as 'survivor guilt' or missing a loved one (in the case of a father for instance losing a

More Questions Than Answers, but More Possible Answers Than Usual Too on a Few Keep Topics (Life, Death, Safety and of course, More)

on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 16:44
Someone told me about their new  Mom friend  (who wants to share her story but I'll double check) who is grieving the loss of her lovely child, a six- month -old who passed 36 hours after having her vaccinations. The Mom was being told is was simply a case of SIDS. The Mom is advocating for a more thorough accountablity and sharing of information with other parents about the potential risks of vaccines.
Often doctors don't have the time or paperwork to pass along for parents to review in advance.

Keep the Good Times and Peeps Going At the New Life Expo in NYC, Spring 2019

on Sat, 03/23/2019 - 03:59

Round One of the the New Life Expo found yours truly there getting familiar with the amazing array of offerings at the booths and the many speakers. For a weekend pass I can go to two panels so I have those to look forward to. Tonight started with a special massage that left me feeling lighter and more integrated (of course twenty minutes on a nice massage table with shiatsu points being worked is rather relaxing..) I'll track down the exact name but the group is hoping to open a center here in Welcome!

Basically there should be a list of exhibitors with websites...and if not, I'll
