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12 Week program (for just under $400 but ask friends and others to pitch in) called The Living Enneagram

on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 19:37

Yes there are programs for free online (talks on youtube and books such as The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso and Hudson), but in case you feel you'd like to learn from a set of videos and calls to coach you along might be of interest and huge benefit for yourself and others. Some 'challenges' may help one awaken to the influence of the personality on one's life force (and vice versa.) The website is has much more info. This is something I learned of through The Shift Network and Humanity's Team.

Keys to Healing, One Heart At A Time..."It's An Inside Game", see more on Humanity's Team

on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 16:05

 Inspiring talks in the spring have an extra sparkle. This talk notes that there are people who 'bless the waters' and more people realize we are 72% why wouldn't that be a good way to explore healing on those frequencies.

The photos and information about how our thoughts affect water by the Japanese doctor (and likely many others now) help people consider that there is a direct way that our thoughts impact the state of the water in our body..and therefore our whole being. This talk on youtube will open one's mind, heart and eyes to more aspects of

Stranger Ideas One Could Hardly Make Up, but What IF there is a lot of Truth in Linda Moulton Howe's Talks?

on Fri, 03/30/2018 - 18:39 is a talk with Linda Moulton Howe I have been hearing some of today...Good Friday, at the time of Passover, spring, second blue moon and Tibetan Day of remembrance April 1st. There are many strange but remarkable ideas to consider for anyone's serious consideration, Overall, 'mind over matter' is key as are the the ideas of history being quite different from what we have been led to believe.

Just wanted to share since the timing is what it is..and I don't want this to get lost in the shuffle.

Down in the Mine (written July 18,2013 after hearing pleas of a young adult daughter of a wonderful caring miner who died in PA in a mine)

on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 14:03

Down in the Mine by Catherine Palmer Paton

Down, down, down in the mine

Down in the mine below

Down, down, down in the mine

Cries the anguished soul

   Set me free from this darkness

   Set me free into the light

   Set me free from this longest, lonesome,

   Tiresome, troublin' sight

Lost under earth and stone

Lost, forsaken, alone

Far from the ones I love and

The place that I call home

    Set me free from this darkness

    Set me free into the light

    Set me free from this longest, lonesome,

    Tiresome, troublin' night

Gone are my joy and hope

Gone are the ones I love

Donations to will be matched TODAY 3-28-18 up to $10K. Think of your friends who need help during illness or dying...and how helpful it is to have ways to share support

on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 17:17

It's not everyday I post about a fundraiser, though there are many worthy ones on (Including a current one for Folk-Legacy co-founder Caroline Paton, called Caring for Caroline, Time to Give.) She is in overall good health but is having mobility issues and needs assistance with many activities to age in a home setting.

Then there are other issues to figure out, including the future of the business she and her husband Sandy Paton and friend Lee Haggerty formed 55 years ago.
