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Special deals on Divine Feminine Yoga. Thanks Laura Cornell for your service for 7 years to 30K women (and likely plenty of men and kids in their lives)

on Fri, 12/22/2017 - 21:45

Has anyone noticed an uptick in Holiday and End of the Year Sales and Specials online, even from favored gurus and people seeking to help the world? From The Reconnection (whose got a half-price sale on their Level One program so worth a look at their online program), to which is having a change of leadership as Laura Cornell retires after seven years and giving steep discounts on a few special programs.

Check out their Brain Time offer too (free for 45 days, who can't afford that?

Onto 2018 with Progress, Courage and Good Health! A Potpourri of Ideas for Everybuddy!

on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 04:47
To a Special Group of Folks, End of Life Doulas...and Everybody Else: I want to take a moment to officially wish everyone a peaceful and enjoyable holiday and solstice season leading into the new year.(PS I got carried away with listing lots of ideas for healing and programs, so skim as you have time...or not. No worries)...I am not a medical or legal professional and these are my own opinions and things I have explored that I am sharing.
I wanted to share the ideas I've heard online from who is offering a special " The Collective" group for women entrepreneurs who help

Exciting Offers from lots of online thought and business leaders (many online) who have special deals now (sorry for the short notice), but maybe they'll do this Kind of Thing in years to come...

on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 21:56

Hello Everybuddy on the cusp of the Winter Solstice and on a special day for a dear one in my life celebrating a nice milestone birthday after being in college successfully for the first semester.. Maybe we could encourage more people to give that $100 dollar you made it through idea and a $200 dollar 'you passed go' at the end of the year.

The Spiritual Meaning of Christmas on free Dec 19-21, 2017. Sign up soon!

on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 00:32

I appreciate everyone tuning into the season with a kind reason to reflect on the meaning of whichever special days speak to them and take note of the winter solstice and New Year's as it rolls around by the hour around the world with much fanfare and likely too many fireworks for our ozone (which of course could be modified at least to downscale and pace on a bi-annual or every five year basis...) The insights that Marianne Williamson will share as she does in her weekly live broadcasts and replays for a couple of days (with subscriptions available for longer term access to all of the
